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I like "escaped Catholic" myself. ;)

mike w. said:
i've always preferred the term "Retired Catholic." But that's just me...

Shay said:
I smell a fellow lapsed Catholic...I'll drink to that!

Adriana said:
Yes, right or wrong?...of no consequence. You can't pick and choose your actions and expect the world to abide by them exactly. This isn't the catholic religion. Thank you mom and dad for all the guilt grinding catechism.
Born again Pagan myself... Praise be to Bacchus!

Anne Alt said:
I like "escaped Catholic" myself. ;)
mike w. said:
i've always preferred the term "Retired Catholic." But that's just me...

Shay said:
I smell a fellow lapsed Catholic...I'll drink to that!

Adriana said:
Yes, right or wrong?...of no consequence. You can't pick and choose your actions and expect the world to abide by them exactly. This isn't the catholic religion. Thank you mom and dad for all the guilt grinding catechism.
Once upon a time, some friends and I decided to ride to a party. When my social group throws parties, the beer is usually something that can be purchased for under 50 cents a bottle/can; PBR is a cliche but a true fact of life.

When we show up to this party, we find a full bar stocked with top shelf liquor and every mixer you could dream of. Hendricks! Grey Goose! Ours for the taking!

Nine billion drinks later, we unlock our bikes and swerve home. It's only a couple of miles, right?

Thirty fucking feet from my apartment building, I eat shit. There's no cars in sight. There was no debris in the road, or a pothole, or a parked car pulling out. There is absolutely nothing to blame but the fact I was wasted.

Scraped wrists and elbows, bleeding chin, mangled kneecaps. I climb up and down stairs with the stiff creaky slowness of a 90 year old man for a week, gasping audibly in pain as my joints scream.

So, yeah, I still ride drunk, but I'm more careful now. I actually have started drinking slightly less because I know I have to ride home at the end of the night.

Last night I was out at Hopleaf, I had two beers (they were high ABV Belgians and I weigh 100 pounds), and I ended up smoking cigarettes in an alleyway for about an hour in the middle of the night until I felt OK to ride home very carefully.
I had Malort once and that's the only time I was seriously too impaired to ride. Whiskey doesn't do it, beer doesn't do it, but Malort will fuck your shit up.

Am I allowed to say "fuck" and "shit" on Chainlink? Oh...I guess I just did.

Chuck a Muck said:
If I'm too drunk to ride I sleep off at a friends or take public transit home... Btw to drunk for me is seeing double and unable to stand up,usually caused by malort...
Ooooo. I was a Malort virgin until the last FBC.

I like Malort. I really like Malort.

Shay said:
I had Malort once and that's the only time I was seriously too impaired to ride. Whiskey doesn't do it, beer doesn't do it, but Malort will fuck your shit up.

Am I allowed to say "fuck" and "shit" on Chainlink? Oh...I guess I just did.

Chuck a Muck said:
If I'm too drunk to ride I sleep off at a friends or take public transit home... Btw to drunk for me is seeing double and unable to stand up,usually caused by malort...
Malort makes me vomit. It is spreading like a cancer throughout the Chicago bicycling community. I know who is spreading it.

Craig S. said:
Ooooo. I was a Malort virgin until the last FBC.

I like Malort. I really like Malort.

Shay said:
I had Malort once and that's the only time I was seriously too impaired to ride. Whiskey doesn't do it, beer doesn't do it, but Malort will fuck your shit up.

Am I allowed to say "fuck" and "shit" on Chainlink? Oh...I guess I just did.

Chuck a Muck said:
If I'm too drunk to ride I sleep off at a friends or take public transit home... Btw to drunk for me is seeing double and unable to stand up,usually caused by malort...
It was here before I was and will be here long after I am gone.

I do not speak for Malort, Malort speaks through me.

Shay said:
Malort makes me vomit. It is spreading like a cancer throughout the Chicago bicycling community. I know who is spreading it.

Craig S. said:
Ooooo. I was a Malort virgin until the last FBC.

I like Malort. I really like Malort.

Shay said:
I had Malort once and that's the only time I was seriously too impaired to ride. Whiskey doesn't do it, beer doesn't do it, but Malort will fuck your shit up.

Am I allowed to say "fuck" and "shit" on Chainlink? Oh...I guess I just did.

Chuck a Muck said:
If I'm too drunk to ride I sleep off at a friends or take public transit home... Btw to drunk for me is seeing double and unable to stand up,usually caused by malort...


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