Mine are The Bicycle Thief (Ladri di Biciclette), Breaking Away, American Flyer and Rad. Obviously the 80's were the best years for bike movies. Know what, even add skateboard and rollerblade movies to your list as well.

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Jour de fête by Tati is another great bike movie. It might be a bit hard to find but worth it.

It's not exactly a movie, but I couldn't find a more appropriate thread to add this to. Enjoy Frank Zappa's (non?)musical concerto for bicycle on the Steve Allen show in 1963...

Favorite documentary is Hell on Wheels (2004) from the 2003 Tour de France

I just saw these recently:

Emmanuel's Gift
2005 G 80 minutes

Oprah Winfrey narrates this inspirational look at living with a disability in Ghana -- where the physically handicapped are outcast -- as seen through the eyes of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, who was born with a deformed right leg. While most of the nation's 2 million citizens deemed "disabled" suffer discrimination, abandonment and ridicule, Emmanuel has dedicated his life to traveling the country via bicycle to open people's minds and to transform lives.

2001 NR 75 minutes

X-games admirers and weekend-warrior mountain bikers will love this documentary about the world of women's professional mountain biking. Join Missy Giove, Marla Streb and other brave women who race the pro downhill mountain-biking circuit. You'll follow the riders through their training, thrills, spills and triumphs as they challenge the top circuit and fly down steep, gnarly trails at 50-plus miles per hour on tricked-out, custom bikes!

An "all time great" cycling movie article: 


I am still forever in love with Breaking Away (I saw it as a child). More recently, here are some new cycling-related movies...

Wadjda - "A rebellious Saudi girl (Waad Mohammed) enters a Quran recitation competition at her school and hopes to win enough money to buy her own bicycle."

The Strongest Man - I just watched this and completely related to how upset he was that his bike was stolen. A little out there but I like the story.

Anyone else watch a good cycling-related movie recently?

30 for 30: Slaying the Badger - The first and only official American winner of the Tour de France Greg Lemond discusses his teammate Bernard Hinault and others.

That's a good one. I just watched that a few months ago.

I saw it last year on ESPN.  Very well put together as the director tried to get story according to LeMond and story according to Hinault as well as the team manager.


I also enjoy any of Hans 'No Way' Rey's adventure films expanded back from the 90s.  He made mt. biking fun with all the tricks and stunts in his films.

no one mentioned Bicycle Dreams/?  and old thread rehash

Joe Kid on a Stingray is a great BMX documentary, going from the 1970s all the way to 2005 or so, covering both racing and freestyle.  It's also a great tribute to the "Godfather" of BMX, Scot Breithaupt, who just passed away on July 4.

I've maintained a big list of Bike/Green/Eco/Anti-Oil movies for many years, with summaries and links, at bedno.com/movies/eco

Electrons are cheap, so may as well paste in the whole thing:


Recommended Cycling, Environmental, Anti-Oil, Consumer Conscious Movies.
Arranged by year of release:

The Cycling Tour (1972)
Monty Python's Flying Circus, Season 3 Episode 8 (#34), 0:32. The trans-Europe adventure of Mr. Pither, his amnesiac companion, and their crash resistant food. First episode of the series to feature a full length story.
Amazon and YouTube

Breaking Away (1979)
A small-town teen obsessed with the Italian cycling team vies for the affections of a college girl.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1985)
Eccentric man-child embarks on journey of his life to find his beloved stolen bike. Tim Burton directed, Phil Hartman wrote, Paul Reubens starred.

Quicksilver (1986)
Bike messenger/life change/crime drama with Kevin Bacon, Jami Gertz, Paul Rodriguez, Laurence Fishburne, ...

Rad (1986)
A young man overcomes all obstacles to compete in a BMX race.

After The Warming (1989)
Famed social journalist James Burke traces the history of ice ages and warming trends, and presents possible scenarios for greenhouse effects through the 1990s to 2050. Accurately predicting the present over two decades ago.

Return of the Scorcher (1992)
Short documentary looks at bike culture and bike lifestyles around the world with beautiful and inspiring scenes.

2 Seconds (1998)
A fired professional downhill racer rebuilds her life in Montreal.

We Are Traffic! (1999)
Bikeumentaries chronicling development of the "Critical Mass" bicycle movement, a massive monthly ritual of reclaiming the streets by riding en masse, constituting the cutting edge of alternative transportation advocacy.

The Bicycle Corps: America's Black Army On Wheels (2000)
Tracing an 1890s U.S. Army project to replace horses with bicycles, follows 20 African-American soldiers on a 2,000 mile trek.

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Star studded imagining of how gulf stream changes could tip the climate overnight.

The End of Suburbia (2004)
Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream.

Pedalphiles (2005)
Brian Standing's short documentary following a gang of bicyclist, artist, philosophers who build bikes from scraps to change the world.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
How energy sector greed and corruption lead the seventh largest US company to bankruptcy in under a year.

The Power of Community (2005)
How Cuba Survived Peak Oil, and the loss over half its oil imports after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, by completely reorganizing its agricultural system and implementing broad day-to-day changes leading to improved health, food, and community. Why wait for the crisis?

Still We Ride (2005)
A NYC Critical Mass movie documents the August 2004 police action against riders (largest mass arrest in NYC history) before the RNC, making many locals aware of the ride for the first time. Film takes on civil liberties, information, and alternative transportation issues, and recounts history back to San Francisco over 10 years ago.

Syriana (2005)
George Clooney, Christopher Plummer, Jeffrey Wright, Chris Cooper, Matt Damon, Amanda Peet, William Hurt, etc. A near future action film explains how things really are with The Middle East and US policy, covering industrial society's slow, deathly descent.

A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash (2006)
A theatrical and scientific documentary on the planet's dwindling oil resources.

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Al Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. Not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share.

Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
The bizarre suspicious circumstances of the sudden recall and destruction of all California's electric cars following ten years of successful leasing and use. Featuring Martin Sheen, Ed Begley Jr., Phyllis Diller, Mel Gibson, etc.

B.I.K.E. - Be Inclusive Kill Exclusivity (2007)
Documentary following exploits of the "Black Label Bicycle Gang" and their anti-capitalist freak bike building culture.

The 11th Hour (2007)
Leonardo DiCaprio documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems, and proposes potential solutions. Appearances by Mikhail Gorbachev, Stephen Hawking, Wangari Maathai, Paul Hawken, David Orr, David Suzuki, Paul Stamets.

Escape From Suburbia (2007)
Sobering yet vital and ultimately positive exploration of what the second half of the Oil Age has in store for us. Sequel to "End Of Suburbia" (2004).

Indecent Exposure to Cars (2007)
Conrad Schmidt tells the story of the World Naked Bike Ride; a tale of people, suspense, intrigue, love, and fighting catastrophic environmental collapse.

There Will Be Blood (2007)
Family, religion, greed and deceit in turn-of-the-century oil prospecting.

Zeitgeist (2007)
Exhaustively reveals historical and modern information about currently dominant social institutions and their control of the masses.

Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
National Geographic runs through the catastrophic effect each degree in temperature change will have on the world.

The Story Of Stuff (2008)
Tides Center fast-paced, fact-filled cartoon exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world.

Wall-E (2008)
Beautiful Pixar "cosmic comedy" carrying surprisingly strong environmental warnings.

Biking The Boulevards (2010)
Geoffrey Baer bikes his way across 150 years of Chicago's history in under an hour.

Premium Rush (2012)
Bike messenger/life change/crime drama with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Dania Ramirez, Michael Shannon, Wolé Parks, ...


Feedback / Additions / Edits welcome.

Personally I'm fond of Premium Rush.


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