Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a place in chicago where I can get prescription bike goggles?

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Pearle vision will make lenses for some Oakley models, and they carry Addidas frames. I have been using a pair of them for about a year now. Also there are prescription adapter inserts that most companies sell to go with their glasses.
>>Also there are prescription adapter inserts that most companies sell to go with their glasses

I am pretty sure Bolle does these : my runner friends have some

Michael A said:
Pearle vision will make lenses for some Oakley models, and they carry Addidas frames. I have been using a pair of them for about a year now. Also there are prescription adapter inserts that most companies sell to go with their glasses.
Both Michael and Daniel seem to be talking about riding glasses. Marco, you are asking about goggles like ski goggles, but with the lens(es) being ground to your eyeglasses' prescription, right?
The five greatest activities in life: sex, cycling, motorcycling, camping and swimming all got HUGELY better for me after I gots the lasik.

Any day now the procedure will have paid for itself in savings on prescription this and solution that.

just sayin'
After a night of heavy drinking and waking up next to a strange women I envy people with bad vision.

Just sayin and just kidin...kind of

Tony Adams said:
The five greatest activities in life: sex, cycling, motorcycling, camping and swimming all got HUGELY better for me after I gots the lasik.

Any day now the procedure will have paid for itself in savings on prescription this and solution that.

just sayin'
some companies like Smith Optics sell OTG (over the glasses) goggles. Those have been a huge help for me in the winter.
And LASIK cannot fix everyone's vision problems.

Just sayin' (that I hope you're not an eye doctor).

Tony Adams said:
The five greatest activities in life: sex, cycling, motorcycling, camping and swimming all got HUGELY better for me after I gots the lasik.
Any day now the procedure will have paid for itself in savings on prescription this and solution that.
just sayin'
I'm actually looking for smaller goggles. Not ski goggles or shades.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Both Michael and Daniel seem to be talking about riding glasses. Marco, you are asking about goggles like ski goggles, but with the lens(es) being ground to your eyeglasses' prescription, right?
Hmm....I'm not sure how small you can get goggles that will still fit over your glasses. I'd recommend going to a ski shop and asking about what they offer for OTG goggles to see what the smallest workable pair is.

Marco Rayos said:
I'm actually looking for smaller goggles. Not ski goggles or shades.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Both Michael and Daniel seem to be talking about riding glasses. Marco, you are asking about goggles like ski goggles, but with the lens(es) being ground to your eyeglasses' prescription, right?
Hmm... maybe there's something here for you.

Marco Rayos said:
I'm actually looking for smaller goggles. Not ski goggles or shades.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Both Michael and Daniel seem to be talking about riding glasses. Marco, you are asking about goggles like ski goggles, but with the lens(es) being ground to your eyeglasses' prescription, right?


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