Aside from the absolute recklessness of this guy its still flippin sweet....

Mash from romk on Vimeo.

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For better or for worse this guy is the perfect example of a "scorcher".
As fun as all that looked it would be false to say that none of that video could be duplicated by a single speed or multi speed bike. I say this because minus balancing on the rear wheel i can do all of that and manage not to fall.
just an observation...

(fun video all the same :-)
Not a fan of skinny ?

Marne Provost said:
I can't stand another fixed gear video, they are all the same. Loud music in the background, streets and abandon parking lots of a city with a skinny boy doing tricks. Now I'm not saying just anyone can do that (i definitely can't) but come on, another video?
Hmmm... "Aside from the absolute recklessness..."

My personal opinion is posting this display of brazen death-baiting with the herald, "flippin' sweet" is social recklessness. I would like to slap that rider with a couple hundred dollar fine and a court-order to not ride a bike for four months for that display around 01:00. As in, lost his license---if only that were possible in this case.
meh. whomever is filming this dude going against traffic and weaving between cars is the one who's really flippin sweet.
Since we are talking about flippin sweet dumbass tricks, how about this one. Look at the car in the far lane at 0:54. He would have done the cycling community-at-large a big favor by being less attentive.

Arrak Thumrs said:
Hmmm... "Aside from the absolute recklessness..."
My personal opinion is posting this display of brazen death-baiting with the herald, "flippin' sweet" is social recklessness. I would like to slap that rider with a couple hundred dollar fine and a court-order to not ride a bike for four months for that display around 01:00. As in, lost his license---if only that were possible in this case.
I still like watching it - these guys wouldnt be such d-bags if less people drove...
Just wait till I get them ripping off bikes this summer, they are gonna hate my guts (the thieving ones). I keep getting info that they are major players in people bikes getting stolen around town. I have a great plan and am only saying so that MAYBE a few are gonna wise up now and it will bring down the # of thefts before I really start to bust balls. Any comments ? Any messengers wish to stick up for themselves ? Still wanting to Identify that spitter as well, have not gotton to much feedback on that cause I think people just are interested in posting things and not doing anything about them. Agree-Disagree ?
I think this discussion is why so many people are still on and refuse to sign up for
I disagree. Riding like this has equal disregard for pedestrians. Note once again my focus on 01:00 on the original video.

Aaron Bussey said:
...these guys wouldnt be such d-bags if less people drove...
You got a good point Arrak....I just know how fun it is to ride like a banshee through traffic, peds and lanes - I told you I'm bad like that too - but not always.....though when riding home and passing four cars at a red on the left side (because some cabs had the bike lane blocked) and the lead car is CPD isn't always the smartest I avoided a ticket I have no idea....
I feel sorry for the hapless driver who -- through no fault of his own -- splatters one of these guys and has to live with the memory.

But ah, to be young and so confident of one's indestructibility. Sigh.


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