You may recall that North Carolina firefighter who was so pissed off at the sight of a dad riding around with his 3-year-old in a child seat that he shot him in the head (the guy's life was saved by his helmet). Anyway, the guy was sentenced today—four months in jail!

I generally don't go in for outrage but this one really made my blood boil. Strike North Carolina from my next vacation itinerary!

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But, the firefighter also has to pay the cyclist a whopping $1200 for the injury he inflicted!

I didn't realize "a case of a stand-up guy having a bad day" could be a reasonable defence in an attempted murder case. I'm a stand-up guy, and my bad days usually start with jack-holes driving like they want to kill me.
This is outrageous.


Yeah but make him do that time in a
Turkish prison
shoot the judge ?
What a f*cking joke the justice system is sometimes. Hope I don't piss off some untouchable someday. What a waste of tax dollars to have even had a trial if this is the result. If I was the biker I would move my family the hell out of that state faster than you can say firefight!
Just drop him and the judge off in some south african jail.
Oh, so this is why we should be wearing helmets?
Thanks gadgetguy! Now I feel bad. (Your comment made me laugh.)

gadgetguy said:
Oh, so this is why we should be wearing helmets?
Makes me sick... That's at least attempted murder cause a shot to the head isn't a "love tap"
What a travesty. I know when I worked as a public servant we were held to higher standards than the "average joe." I find it unbelievable that the grand jury decided to reduce the charge to an assault one in the first place.

I understand taking into consideration a person's usual pattern of behavior but he didn't even get the minimum of a reasonable sentence.
This falls into my category of petty corruption. Proof that with the right credentials you CAN get away with anything.
Truly some sick news. A shame
From what I have read previously, and from my experience working with adults with mental illnesses, and from working in the court system...

I doubt the man was found to be mentally ill. There have been no indications of such in any report I have read (the few out there at the time of the incident and then the one now). If this was a mental illness issue, it would have made the news! Also, he was actively employed and working on the job at the time of the incident. Fire departments generally frown upon having workers with mental illness (controlled or otherwise) on their staff - for obvious reasons depending on the specific disorder. An chronic mental illness would almost definitely been identified/recognized.

Not to mention that most mental illnesses do not have as part of their presentation a likelihood of committing such a clear act of violence against another. If he had an illness that contributed to such extreme behavior, it would have been obvious at the time of his arrest for it. And it would require much more than anger managament classes.

I absolutely agree that prison time alone is not the answer. That being said, his jail time is remarkable light given the fact that he shot at and hit an unarmed man who was turned/turning away at the time. Putting him in anger management classes is a step in the right direction as far as treatment...but there is a wide range as to the effectiveness of those classes.


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