I've seen this on the Des Plaines River Trails Facebook page, and I thought it would be good to advertise it also on the Chainlink (given also that on the Skokie Valley Path there were no signs yesterday of the forthcoming work/detours). The Lake County DOT is going to do some work to rebuild culverts under the Skokie Valley bike path. This is discussed on this web page from the Lake County DOT:


The web page says that the work is going to be done in four phases, starting this coming Monday. The web page has images for the detours to be used. I don't know how the detours will be marked on the road.

And a note of caution. While the web page says that the work will cover only the sections from Clavey Road in Highland Park to Old Elm Road in Lake Forest, I suspect (from the marks on the bike path itself) that also the final section (from Old Elm Road to the north end of the bike path) may see some repair work.

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Thanks for this info. I was unable to read the detour maps and found no way to expand them in place. Opening them in new browser tabs solved that issue. Here are the URLs for the individual detour maps:





The North Shore Century route is a good bypass for this section.  Ridge Rd is a lovely place to  ride a bike.

At Clavey go left to  Ridge. 

Turn  right on Ridge which seems  to  hit a dead end at Old Deerfield Rd. @ 1 mile

Turn right on  Old Deerfield to Richfield @ 1 block

Turn left  on Richfield and go past the stop light until  you intersect  with Ridge again @ 1/2 mile

Turn  right  on Ridge and  go to  Churchill @ 1.5 miles

Turn left on Churchill into a neighborhood that will  wind to the right becoming Tennyson.  You will  see some bad art on a front lawn and  then crossing 22 at Stop  light will  again be on Ridge. @ 1 mil3

Take Ridge  up to Old Elm and  go whereever you were planning  on going. @ 2-3 miles


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