I am looking for options for my next move. And it needs to be a place that has room for a wood/metal shop. The options are a house with a garage or a condo with a rented work space very close to it. Both options are presenting problems in regards to price or availability and neighborhood.

I know Bubby's place, but that is too far way and in a neighborhood we wouldn't want to live in. My wife says there has to be things to do.

So what do you do? Or your friends do - for a workshop space?
Any regulations I need to be aware of for the OA torch?
Let me know if you know of anyone who would be willing to rent/share space in the city


Views: 83

Replies to This Discussion

Jim Brenner, call three one two 733 2468 Jim owns a metal shop at Fulton and Ashland work space only, he prefers artists.
Victoria Fuller at seven seven three 680 4937 studio space only at Damon and Hubbard . Vicky is a sculptor that out space to artist. there are some painters there so dust is a concern of hers, but there is also a welder there so it depend on where the opening is in her space.
Thanks UV, Are you going to be around this Saturday morning? I want to do some fillet brazing.

UV Metal Arts - Powder Coating said:
Jim Brenner, call three one two 733 2468 Jim owns a metal shop at Fulton and Ashland work space only, he prefers artists.
Victoria Fuller at seven seven three 680 4937 studio space only at Damon and Hubbard . Vicky is a sculptor that out space to artist. there are some painters there so dust is a concern of hers, but there is also a welder there so it depend on where the opening is in her space.
Yep, look for like-minded individuals with some space to share.
I believe that compressed gasses need to be kept away from residential buildings, and possibly even commercial ones. There was a propane esplosion downtown some years ago at a place doing jewelry work, and I guess it was not supposed to be there in the first place. (office building)
Of course what is allowed and what you can get away with are two different things. Mebbe avoid wood frame buildings
I'll be there.

on2wheels said:
Thanks UV, Are you going to be around this Saturday morning? I want to do some fillet brazing.

UV Metal Arts - Powder Coating said:
Jim Brenner, call three one two 733 2468 Jim owns a metal shop at Fulton and Ashland work space only, he prefers artists.
Victoria Fuller at seven seven three 680 4937 studio space only at Damon and Hubbard . Vicky is a sculptor that out space to artist. there are some painters there so dust is a concern of hers, but there is also a welder there so it depend on where the opening is in her space.
Josh Musinski is trying to start up a pedicab fab in a space on Belmont a block west of Elston. He has more space than he needs and is looking for someone to rent/share part of it.


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