Motorized bicycles now legal in illinois without drivers liscence

I thought this was badass you guys might too. Supposedly electric and gas assisted bikes are legal in illinois as long as they don't go over 20. Even without a drivers liscence. Anyways sorry if it's already been posted. glad to have found the chainlink and am looking forward to meeting you guys.
just got approved 8-4-09 takes effect 2010 i guess

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Motors on human powered bikes?
But still not allowed in the bike lanes and paths within the Chicago City limits.

Just FYI. According to my last convo. w/CDOT rep: if it has a motor, stay out of the bike lanes. I don't know if they'll make an exception for assist.
I wouldn't think so, Homebuilt.

From what the CDOT rep is saying via you, 'motor onboard = no bike lane for you' instead of 'motor onboard, but not using it = bike lane ok'

Wish I could phrase that better. I hope it's clear.

Homebuilt said:
But still not allowed in the bike lanes and paths within the Chicago City limits.
Just FYI. According to my last convo. w/CDOT rep: if it has a motor, stay out of the bike lanes. I don't know if they'll make an exception for assist.
From the link that Dan provided:
"Provides that a person may operate a low-speed electric bicycle only if the person has a valid current
Illinois driver's license, regardless of classification, and the person is at least 16 years of age"

Does that mean that you need a drivers license to operate an electric assisted bike?
No, because Amendment No. 1 "Removes the requirement that a person have a valid current Illinois driver's license to operate an electric bicycle."

Duppie said:
From the link that Dan provided:
"Provides that a person may operate a low-speed electric bicycle only if the person has a valid current
Illinois driver's license, regardless of classification, and the person is at least 16 years of age"

Does that mean that you need a drivers license to operate an electric assisted bike?
Well, right, if you're not actually using it, it may be acceptable. But I wanted to be clear that Chicago is Home Rule and does not have to follow IDOT when it comes to traffic rules like this, and they have decided to be more stringent on the use of bike lanes and paths.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I wouldn't think so, Homebuilt.
From what the CDOT rep is saying via you, 'motor onboard = no bike lane for you' instead of 'motor onboard, but not using it = bike lane ok'
Wish I could phrase that better. I hope it's clear.

Homebuilt said:
But still not allowed in the bike lanes and paths within the Chicago City limits.
Just FYI. According to my last convo. w/CDOT rep: if it has a motor, stay out of the bike lanes. I don't know if they'll make an exception for assist.
My ADD took over after the synopsis. Thanks for reading the entire article and clarifying this for me

koala said:
No, because Amendment No. 1 "Removes the requirement that a person have a valid current Illinois driver's license to operate an electric bicycle."

Duppie said:
From the link that Dan provided:
"Provides that a person may operate a low-speed electric bicycle only if the person has a valid current
Illinois driver's license, regardless of classification, and the person is at least 16 years of age"

Does that mean that you need a drivers license to operate an electric assisted bike?


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