This is a pretty harrowing account of a cyclist who was recently attacked in Humboldt Park.

"RT @pmontoro: Cyclist mugged and nearly killed in Humboldt Park. This
kind of attack is getting popular."
- Chicago Reader (@Chicago_Reader)

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lol. that's bijon (sp?), right. those are devil dogs.


o0_dan_0o said:
only its gotta be NO PANTS!

lauren sailor said:
Brian Kennedy said: What's the reason Critical Mass should go anywhere? An intentionally rhetorical question. h3 said:
1) Because it makes for a better ride than not going anywhere (although a big gathering with no ride would be an interesting thing to try one month).

you may be onto something, sir! next month, let's just host a SIT IN at daley plaza. (gotta do it before it's too cold, though!) i'll bring the hippies if you bring the incense...
This could get ugly. All of my skirts are at the cleaners.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

o0_dan_0o said:
only its gotta be NO PANTS!

lauren sailor said:
Brian Kennedy said: What's the reason Critical Mass should go anywhere? An intentionally rhetorical question. h3 said:
1) Because it makes for a better ride than not going anywhere (although a big gathering with no ride would be an interesting thing to try one month).

you may be onto something, sir! next month, let's just host a SIT IN at daley plaza. (gotta do it before it's too cold, though!) i'll bring the hippies if you bring the incense...
actually - this suggests a great idea for late-night ghetto riding :

get a front rack; and place a (hungry) pit-bull in there. (no muzzle and sharp teeth too)

I DARE thos MF'ers to whack me then. They will be armless / legless in seconds.
and hopefully bleeding to death. and the dog is tied to the bike so those fuc#ers cannot
even *think* about stealing the bike (a lock then becomes _totally_

Tony Adams said:
This could get ugly. All of my skirts are at the cleaners.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

o0_dan_0o said:
only its gotta be NO PANTS!

lauren sailor said:
Brian Kennedy said: What's the reason Critical Mass should go anywhere? An intentionally rhetorical question. h3 said:
1) Because it makes for a better ride than not going anywhere (although a big gathering with no ride would be an interesting thing to try one month).

you may be onto something, sir! next month, let's just host a SIT IN at daley plaza. (gotta do it before it's too cold, though!) i'll bring the hippies if you bring the incense...
ok, i have no idea how your thought stream made its way from NO PANTS to hungry pitbull w/razor sharp teeth, but i imagine it to be quite the trip.

daniel brown said:
actually - this suggests a great idea for late-night ghetto riding :

get a front rack; and place a (hungry) pit-bull in there. (no muzzle and sharp teeth too)

I DARE thos MF'ers to whack me then. They will be armless / legless in seconds.
and hopefully bleeding to death. and the dog is tied to the bike so those fuc#ers cannot
even *think* about stealing the bike (a lock then becomes _totally_

I just thought of this the other day. You know, the kids are probably spotting us from our headlights. They see us coming from a distance, and they get ready for their attack. I think from now I'm going to turn off my headlight, maybe even the tail light, through certain areas at night especially if there are no cars around. My bike is very quiet. Hopefully I'd could sneak by before they would realize I were there.
I would expect this kind of stuff in Humboldt Park. But in Downtown? Just last night around 11:00 pm as I was crossing the bridge at Lake and Canal these two young black thugs would not let me pass. So I hoisted my bike to put myself on the other side of the frame and possibly ram it on them. Just as one of them pulled out a gun, I dropped my bike down the other direction, as he cocked his pistol, and sped off. I warned two other pedestrians and called 911 as the punks ran off and hid themselves in lower Wacker.
Start a new thread for this topic, so it gets more attention! or add it to the thread about the girl that got her bike and purse stolen on the lakefront path on friday

Juan said:
I would expect this kind of stuff in Humboldt Park. But in Downtown? Just last night around 11:00 pm as I was crossing the bridge at Lake and Canal these two young black thugs would not let me pass. So I hoisted my bike to put myself on the other side of the frame and possibly ram it on them. Just as one of them pulled out a gun, I dropped my bike down the other direction, as he cocked his pistol, and sped off. I warned two other pedestrians and called 911 as the punks ran off and hid themselves in lower Wacker.
Real sorry to hear/see about this, Niall.

Definitely start an new thread.

In the meantime, my favorite bear repellent appears to be on sale. 9 ounces, good for groups. I've gone through 5 cans during my 7 years in East Garfield.

Be sure to get the holster as well, to clip it to your bag, belt etc., for easy access.

Niall Munnelly said:
I'm glad I read this thread today. I live in Humboldt Park, and figure it's time to get some pepper spray. But I'm really glad, because I knew what was about to happen when I saw like six guys standing on the corner of Damen and Adams, one of them walking into the street as I approached, holding a chair like a baseball bat. I dodged him and the chair he threw, but got body checked to the ground by a guy standing on Damen as I turned north.

They ganged up around me and kicked my chest and back pretty hard, but I wouldn't give them the bike. Miraculously, the Ortlieb pannier stuck to my rear rack. They didn't get a fucking thing off me. I wish I couldn't say the same about them.

I'm pretty sore all over now. I guess I'll call the cops.
Damn, that's a lot of blood. I'm glad you made it out of that relatively intact. Just out of curiosity though, may I ask why calling the cops wasn't your first instinct? I mean absolutely no disrespect by that whatsoever. Also, could you please provide some further details whenever you might feel up for it? Time of day, approximate age of the assailants, etc.? I pass through that area a lot and this deeply concerns me. Hope you're better soon.
Does anyone know if these attacks only happen to men, or are women being beat up as well?

I think I have a false sense of well being riding home late at seems deserted, but you never know when somebody is going to step out of a dark alley.

I hope you have a fast recovery!
(I deleted my account of the attack to start a new thread with no cussin'.)


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