This is a pretty harrowing account of a cyclist who was recently attacked in Humboldt Park.

"RT @pmontoro: Cyclist mugged and nearly killed in Humboldt Park. This
kind of attack is getting popular."
- Chicago Reader (@Chicago_Reader)

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Agree on all counts. I really posted this more as a warning to those who ride through this area late at night than anything else. Forewarned is forearmed, or something to that effect.
Thanks for posting this Erin.

While this makes me very angry, I'm going to resist posting any of my thoughts while reading through the account.

Hope the guy who was mugged recovers quickly, and thanks again for helping to keep us all aware of dangerous areas at night.
This man was attacked just three blocks from where I was in July.
This is pretty much the first article I have read since coming out of surgery today. I have been kind of in and out of it all day.
Like Ryan, I will withhold what I really think. Many people who visit this site do not seem to have the stomach for what I would say about the predatory creatures that roam our city.
You know I love ya Cliff! ;-)
Take mass through Humboldt every week til it stops! :-)

Send a letter to the Newspapers saying we're gonna do it as well! ;-)

Fuck you Humboldt Park! ;-)
It sounds like this is one group of kids doing the same thing over and over again. If that's the case people either have to wait for them to get arrested/shot/whatever (doesn't sound like that will take too long) or the police will have to run some sort of decoy operation. I wouldn't guess that's very likely.

What's scary is that the city really feels like it's coming apart at the seams, especially neighborhoods that were a bit but not quite gentrified by the time the housing market collapsed, and you can't have any confidence in the police to do anything about it because the CPD philosophy just revolves around keeping the Lord of the Flies shit fenced out of prosperous neighborhoods.
This is getting out of hand .I ride from work sometimes at night and God forbid I get attacked.Im angry as hell already about the amount of respect others give us on bikes but now we have to worry about riding down the street against muggers. Sorry Im not taking it laying down.I hate to give out that negative vibe,but I have lived in this city all of my life and there was one attemp on my life and maybe I need therapy but the anger from that still lives with in me.So mugger sucker please dont come my way I fight back heavily.To my friends besafe and alert of your surroundings when riding.Pay attention to the streets around you.Luv Yall
I think Ryan said it best. Humboldt Park is better then it was, but it ain't safe at 2:00 AM. Ride with a buddy, or stick to the bigger, better lit streets. Keep your eyes open all the time. I know no one wants to hear this, but don't drink and ride. I feel bad about Red dog and Ryan. Shit like this should not happen, and we should have a "Public Insurance" option. All we can do now is be supportive of one another, and keep our eyes open. The punks that perpetrate this type of crime all get it in the end. Karma will out. Peace.
I am so sorry. (I work at a grammar school right there on Californian Avenue.) Hope all is well.
Diane Houser
It seems like a good time for HP residents to start pressuring their alderman to encourage the local police to start/increase bike patrols. This is also another reason to try to buddy-up for rides.
Not again?!! Since I live in Humboldt park, I'm starting to feel like I should be home before the sun sets and the Zombies come out to feed. This is really starting to suck. I really like where I live, and I really don't want to have to move, but I don't want to get attacked either. I think we need to get our own posse together, set up a sting operation and get these f**ckers!!!
I go running there all the time... sometimes at night. God damn, that totally sucks.

Maybe we should start wearing armor?


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