Share your pics, videos, streets, stories of what you find in the bike lane of the non-bike variety that has an impact on your ride and/or your safety. I've decided to keep it a little more open ended - cars, snow, buses, garbage, cabs, etc. If they shouldn't be in the bike lane, go ahead and add it to this thread. Please be safe if you are taking pics or video! :-)
My hope is that we can collectively build some evidence of what we see when riding in the city with the overall hope of better enforcement of "bikes only" and improving maintenance.
Update: More Hashtags to Capture Vehicles in the Bike Lane
With popular hashtags:
#LaneSpreading (Chicago Bike Selling)
#ClearTheWay (ActiveTrans), there are many options to capture violations.
We think you should use ALL of them AND post your photos on The Chainlink. ;-)
Hahahaha! I see them, with some regularity, parked in the bike lane on Jackson Blvd, right in front of the CPD Education and Training Division. A couple years ago, I ran into 5 or 6 uniformed officers on bicycles going the wrong way in that lane. It was then that I lost hope of the police ever giving a rat's ass about bike safety. I'd be glad to change my mind on that...
Hahahaha! I see squad cars parked, with some regularity, in the bike lane on Jackson Blvd, in front of the CPD Education and Training Division building. A couple years ago, I ran into 5 or 6 uniformed officers on bicycles riding the WRONG WAY in the lane at that location! It was then that I lost hope of the police ever giving a rat's ass about bicycle safety in Chicago. I'm willing to change my mind if presented with good evidence.
Attached: 2 squads illegally parked on June 27; 311 report filed at that time.
Zoom zoom!
Morning commute – Two cars (black AUDI & white Nissan) using the bike lane as their personal” passing on the right” lanes. I purposely got in front of the Nissan because, gosh darn it! It is the bike lane! ;) Unfortunately, out of inconvenience, the white Nissan had to merge back on the car lane – because of me, and regardless, a huge Hinckley Springs water delivery truck, delivering precious filtered water to those thirsty residents who need it. I won’t give the delivery truck any flack because it is far enough to the curve, allowing cyclists to pass on the bike lane. Then, black AUDI simply drops off passenger behind the Hilton… why in such a hurry? Is his passenger lactose intolerant? How she ran to that door, looks like she needed to find a bathroom to unleash digestible fury in the toilet.
7UP truck on 84 E Washington. Parked ON the bike lane. The bike lane used for bicycle traffic, not deliveries.
I told the driver he was on the bike lane, and he told me to get a life. I responded to him “learn where to park!” And again he said “get a life!” and “go get a job!”
7UP, please make your drivers learn what a bike lane it. Makes the rest of the cycling traffic more to the car traffic.
7UP Lic # 19017K. Peoria, IL. Splash Transport Inc.
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