My apartment building is at the bottom of a hill in DC. It's a great neighborhood, I can bike downtown very quickly, and it's right by lots of fun restaurants, coffee shops, etc. To commute to work, I can go downhill to DuPont but that's an extra Metro stop and somehow doesn't feel right to me - why go backwards/further away from my destination just because of one darned hill?

So I climb my 18th Street hill in Adams Morgan every workday on my little Brompton, pausing for buses, school children, and lights on my way up. It takes me to the Woodley Park Metro (the station by the zoo) and it's a pretty ride. I started getting the hang of my hill (yes, Colorado people would probably laugh at what I call a hill but they have mountains...) but last week I came down with a cold so I took a few days off the bike and my legs were a little more tired than usual so this week has been a little harder to do the morning climb. 

And then there was this morning... 

I really struggled, mashing my way up, too proud to shift into my easiest gear. Once I got to the top I realized it was hard because I just rode up my hill in the hardest gear (only three of them but still). And I felt kinda proud of myself today. Like I hit a milestone because I mashed my way up and ignored my legs. I wouldn't have imagined this when I moved into my neighborhood last October.

We've been talking a lot lately about crummy things on our commutes... shoaling, drivers, bike lane blockage, etc. but what gets you excited about your commute? The first morning in Spring you hear the birds chirp? The familiar, friendly faces of fellow cyclists you see on your commute? The feeling you get when you think about how you aren't using any gas to get to work and you're going to feel good all day because of that morning ride? Or that excitement of potential ride-home tailwind because after a day at work, having the wind at your back is a nice little thrill?

So please, share your bike commute happy moments here... and enjoy your bike and your day! 

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When I am on a ride or a delivery and find money.

The best find so far has been a $20.

A Balaclava 

A License, which I went to the house to return.

A set of Allen wrenches.


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