From the NY Times Australia desk. Scroll down to "Dangerous Coexistence."

“If you get a bunch of people in a room and toss a coin and separate them into groups of ‘heads’ and ‘tails,’ within a few minutes, they’ll start discriminating against each other,” he said. “It’s very deeply rooted in us.”

Cyclists, though, may have a clearer group of traits that lead drivers to designate them as “others.”


But, Dr. Walker said, another intrinsic human drive may also be involved: the demand for resources. Or, road space.

“If cyclists only ever did mountain biking, I can’t imagine this issue would arise,” he said.

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Can't reach the article but its seems like it reaches the same conclusions Wendy Zukerman from Science Vs. communicated back in the day. A lot of it has to be the us vs. them mentality that is ingrained deeply within our culture. Must be bad there too.

Thanks for posting. Definitely has a point - we tend to get grouped together as if we are all doing what annoys drivers even if drivers break the laws same/more % than we do.

Dang. I generally trim URLs so all the tracking cruft on the end is elided. Does this help?

Not a Ning issue but a Viglink issue - Viglink sets up links to retailers when products are mentioned. Rare case where it attached to a media article. I went in and added something to the HREF tag that should fix it. 

I did, though I didn't try clicking the link through The Chainlink interface.

  • I already had the NYT article displayed
  • After trimming all the mysterious parameters after the "?", I made sure I could view that as well.

It seems odd that Ning (or Viglink, whatever that is) would mess with a URL so badly that it no longer works.


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