Bicyclist,18, hit by Red Line train in Bridgeport dies 6-24-17 GoFundMePage.

6-24-17. 2:48pm

Chicago Tribune breaking news: A man, who fell off his bike and onto the Red Line tracks where he was hit by a train has died, officials said."

The incident happened about 1:30pm on the Red Line near the Sox-35th street station during an on-going baseball game.

"The 18 year-old-man was on a bicycle on the platform when he unfortunately lost his balance and fell to the track level, where the train made contact."

Gabriel Milorad Ciupeiu, 18
Rest in Peace +

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Good grief.  What next?


Cyclist identified as, Gabriel Milorad Ciupeiu,19.

There is a GoFundMe page.

Rest in Peace  +

Tom, correcting the small typo:

Terrible for one so young to be gone so soon.

Yes, thanks Jim. I just double checked it and it wasn't working. ciupeiu.

My sympathy to the family and friends of the unfortunate young man.


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