Bike, walk, roll, stroll, yoga, salsa dance and more! No cars!

Ethan, with Active Trans

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i'm always working during these things :(
I've gathered a small group of riders and we're headed out shortly.
I volunteered both days last year, but this year I'm just going to go enjoy it!
Well it's all over now, sorry if you missed it. What a lot of fun!
You're right Ken, what a lot of fun!
I can't decide if the marching band or the bicyle-powered blender making smoothies was my favorite part.
yeah the blender was awesome. i'll post a pic of my nephew with it later. AMAZING event as usual Active Trans!
We had a great time too-- between the ride and biking to the ride, we did over 20 miles with our 5-year-old daughter, who alternated between pedaling on the trail-a-bike and lounging in the trailer. The smoothies were genius. The marching band was excellent and the Garfield Conservatory activities were great-- my daughter made this sweet pressed flower necklace. Thanks ActiveTrans!

Cheers, Jen

P.S. What was up with the people in the pink T-shirts? We had a hard time getting around some of their groups, especially the ones walking 8-10 abreast.
The Pink Shirts were all folks walking for Breat Cancer Research, so I have to cut them slack eeven though they did walk "8-10 abreast" I took a picture.

Wow, what a great day...thanks to everyone who volunteered and enjoyed it!

The Chicago Community Trust, our major funder, was pleased with the day. The Chicago Police and our other city partners were great to work with.

Our nonprofit partners (N to S - Logan Square Neighborhood Association, Greater Humboldt Park Community of Wellness, Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation and Enlace) produced a ton of amazing activities during the event.

And, Active Trans signed up more than 70 new members for the cause!

Here's hoping we can all do it again next summer (with more dates, of course)!

Thanks so much,

Ethan, with Active Trans
My nephew was exhausted after the day of biking and playing!

Active Transportation Alliance said:
Wow, what a great day...thanks to everyone who volunteered and enjoyed it!

The Chicago Community Trust, our major funder, was pleased with the day. The Chicago Police and our other city partners were great to work with.

Our nonprofit partners (N to S - Logan Square Neighborhood Association, Greater Humboldt Park Community of Wellness, Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance, Lawndale Christian Development Corporation and Enlace) produced a ton of amazing activities during the event.

And, Active Trans signed up more than 70 new members for the cause!

Here's hoping we can all do it again next summer (with more dates, of course)!

Thanks so much,

Ethan, with Active Trans
Ken Gray said:
The Pink Shirts were all folks walking for Breat Cancer Research, so I have to cut them slack eeven though they did walk "8-10 abreast" ...

Ah, the pink t-shirt should have been a giveaway! Good for them for supporting cancer research, and I will cut them some slack too-- I suppose they were really walking "16-20 abreast", hey?

It was a lot of fun - lots of opportunities for kids' art projects along the route, many different types of music and dancing, tons of little kids having a great time zooming around on little bikes and trikes. The best part for me was seeing SOOO many people out having fun. Here's a picture of the bike-powered blender making smoothies. Yum!

People were dancing up a storm in La Villita. Yeah!


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