Anyone See Anything on the Lakefront Path This Morning? (Cross post)

My friend, Liz Markel posted this:

CYCLIST FRIENDS! PLEASE SHARE! From a running friend re: a cyclist who was taken away via ambulance this morning on the Lakefront Path at Lawrence around 6:35am.
Does anyone know who this is??? I don't have any info about what hospital he's at, but will share when I know more.
On my way home from track this morning, I saw a cyclist that was on the ground - no explanation. My guess is he had a heart attack or stroke since his bike wasn't dented from a car and his feet were still clipped in. He was unresponsive/not breathing and the paramedics had to use a defibrillator. He still wasn't responsive when they took him away in the ambulance.

The cycling/running world is so small here, does anyone know someone who knows someone who knows this random cyclist? He was probably in his late 50s/early 60s. He was on the lakefront path crossing Lawrence and I get off LSD at Lawrence to go home which is how I came upon him. He was heading south and it was about 6:35ish just this morning. Based on clothing, appeared to be more than a recreational rider.

Does anyone know anything? I hope the cyclist is ok and recovering.

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Yes, thanks for sharing this Tom.

Rest in peace Tom.  


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