The crash is bad enough but the officer's response (or lack thereof) followed by the driver's celebration is just shocking.  Anyway, please help us ID the driver if you can.  Thank you!

Update: Driver came forward this morning. (9/16/16)

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This incident proves the need for cyclists to come to the aid and assistance (if possible) of fellow cyclists involved in any traffic incident.
As Yasmeen has said, we need to help get plates, pictures and contact information for any injured/stunned cyclist because it seems that we can not count on the police to do what they are supposed to do in these situations.


> This incident proves the need for cyclists to come to the aid and assistance (if possible) of fellow cyclists involved in any traffic incident.

I've been doored a couple times, most recently on Milwaukee about a year ago. (*) I know from personal experience that you don't always think straight in this kind of situation, whether or not you've been hurt. The advantage to having the Crash Support Hotline card in your wallet is probably more useful when you are a witness, not the victim.

You do carry a Hotline card, right?

(*) I just rode Milwaukee yesterday (for the first time in awhile, it's one of my routes home, but not my regular route) from roughly Canal to California. I was paying closer attention than normal to the bike infrastructure, and was surprised at how intermittent it is. Near the Loop there are bike lanes, but past Division it seems they more or less peter out into sharrows which are old enough that they are all but invisible. Even where there are bike lanes, in many places the street side line has been worn away by vehicular traffic. As probably Chicago's most densely traveled bike highway, it seems the city needs to do more to support safe cycling in that corridor.


Crash Support Hotline

Has anyone recently used the hotline? Has it been helpful?

I used it a couple years ago and didn't find it particularly helpful.

It seemed like they had a canned response to any call:

  • Go to the hospital;
  • They will refer you to a lawyer.

In my case, that wasn't helpful.

I can see it being helpful if you need those two things though.

I got the cameras I carry now (Hero 3 on the front, Fly6 on the rear) because I witnessed a hit and run. I was following a driver, who didn't bother to stop at all at a stop sign, and only stepped on the brakes when he had a cyclist who was crossing the intersection on his hood. He stopped mid intersection to check out how the cyclist was, but inched towards his car and bolted when he realized he was going to be in a lot of trouble. The witnesses on the scene, including myself tried to note his license plate number and make and model, but we couldn't come to a consensus for the cop that came to the scene.

I like to say I got the cameras to speak for myself when I may not be able to...but that applies for others too. Having someone with a camera witness an incident will do a lot to bring those responsible to justice. They have already resolved a complaint I brought against a Taxi Cab Driver who ran a red light cutting off me and another cyclist. After the taxi driver saw the video I posted he changed his plea from not-guilty.

Here is a beat map for the 14th district. For this incident or others where police didn't handle things properly, you have the option of going to the CAPS meeting for the appropriate beat and asking that police WRITE reports and give tickets to drivers when they violate the law and injure someone. The beat for this incident is 1414.

Info I found online says that Beat 1414 meetings happen on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Logan Square Boys and Girls Club, 3228 W Palmer. Call the 14th District CAPS office to confirm 312-744-1261.

Thank you Anne for reminding all about the 14th Police district's reputation on the treatment of cyclists. Sad that it is still continuing on.

It's unfortunate that this has been such a widespread problem for so many years.

When supervisors are part of the problem, they tend to encourage officers under them to NOT do their jobs on stuff like this. That's why it's so important to do whatever possible to make this sergeant answer for not doing her job.

So frustrating that we have to ask police to do their jobs. :-(

Hard to even look at it :( I'm gonna  post it on social accounts just to see if other people know about it!

I request everyone to look into it 

We've identified the driver.  Thank you to everyone that helped out with this.  


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