I have been planning my trip around Lake Michigan for a long time now. I have tried to aim the ride at a clean energy theme. I have also tried hard to get people to help me on this effort all around. I am setting a date of July 25th to leave. If you have any interest on joining me, I will be posting a map soon.
Nate Maier

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Okay, I mixed up the dates, September 1st, a Saturday is the date.
have fun!

I finished the same ride a few weeks ago. How will you "theme" the ride?
Glad to hear you made the ride. Hope you had a good time.

In order to make it a clean energy ride, I am visiting spots along the way that have to do with clean energy. I am emailing people at the stops. Hopefully they will have time to talk and share their knowledge.

Here are my stops so farHere on google maps.

Also, is there any way that you can share your route? Did you go clockwise, or counter-clockwise?
Kevin Mulcky said:
have fun!

I finished the same ride a few weeks ago. How will you "theme" the ride?
Very Cool Nate! Good luck, wish I could do the ride with you. Hope you post a blog with some pics of the trip. As far as clean energy goes, I suggest maybe checking out getting one of these for your upcoming ride : www.hymini.com
I just picked one up to power my cellphone, gps and mp3 player for my upcoming bike tour.


Nate Maier said:
Glad to hear you made the ride. Hope you had a good time.

In order to make it a clean energy ride, I am visiting spots along the way that have to do with clean energy. I am emailing people at the stops. Hopefully they will have time to talk and share their knowledge.

Here are my stops so farHere on google maps.

Also, is there any way that you can share your route? Did you go clockwise, or counter-clockwise?
Kevin Mulcky said:
have fun!

I finished the same ride a few weeks ago. How will you "theme" the ride?
August first that is.

Nate Maier said:
Okay, I mixed up the dates, September 1st, a Saturday is the date.
We went counter clockwise. I'm not sure why exactly. We bought county maps along the way to guide us through the back roads.We didn't produce a detailed account our route, but i can give you some general pointers from memory.

The Blue Star Highway is a scenic highway that is very friendly to cyclists. It echos 31 through michigan. It changes names a few times, but will generally lead you from Benton Harbor to Traverse City.

Across the U.P. you'll be on highway 2 the whole time. it's flat and windy up there, since it's so close to the lake.

for the wisconsin route you can easily find bike maps detailing the best roads to ride.

Nate Maier said:
Glad to hear you made the ride. Hope you had a good time.

In order to make it a clean energy ride, I am visiting spots along the way that have to do with clean energy. I am emailing people at the stops. Hopefully they will have time to talk and share their knowledge.

Here are my stops so farHere on google maps.

Also, is there any way that you can share your route? Did you go clockwise, or counter-clockwise?


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