Apps, maps, websites and resources for planning your rides

We're working on an article about apps, websites, and resources for planning routes and rides. Do you have any favorites that should be added to our list? Thanks!!

Update: To be a little more specific, this could be an app like the Wisconsin parks app that gives you the state trails in Wisconsin. Or a website that has routes and rides on it. They tend to be state or region based tools. The U.S.-wide one I do use is the trip planning tool with Map My Ride. It's overwhelming how many routes and choices you have but it's pretty awesome for planning a ride and you can download turn-by-turn directions onto your Garmin if it has that functionality.

I'm not thinking of the tools you may use to record your ride e.g. bike computers like Garmin. Hope that helps!

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This looks very cool. I'm definitely going to check it out. Thanks!

For combining Amtrak with biking in/between/around some of the Illinois towns it serves:

Also, IDOT's state bike maps:

IDOT has a map of traffic counts on all Illinois rural roads and (depending on the city) many roads inside towns/cities:


Po Campo posted this article on their FB page. Has anyone ridden on these trails? I don't think this is 100% bikable trails though.

These 12 Trails In Illinois Will Lead You To Unforgettable Places

Whether you want to hike or bike, and whether you are in great shape or not, there is a wonderful hiking trail in Illinois for you. Last year, we profiled some of the best trails in Illinois. This year, we are highlighting some of our favorites, as well as some new ones you should check out.

I've actually run on the 1st trail in their article.  I did not go very far, but the trail was flat.  Wish I had my bike with me when I was down in that area.


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