2nd RAGBRAI Cyclist Dies 7-30-16 *Rider Killed in Crash 7-24-16 *Another Injured 7-25-16 *updates 7-31-16


Article by Morgan Gstalter 7-30-16

"A second cyclist has died along the Ragbrai route this week.Clifton Kahler, 60, of Florida passed away Tuesday following a heart attack he suffered while riding along Highway 2, according to Iowa State Patrol.
His obituary said he died while doing the thing he loved . . . riding in the annual bike ride."


Source: desmoinesregister.com. Article by Linh Ta 7-24-16

"A cyclist was killed in a collision with a pickup truck Sunday morning near Glenwood, according to Iowa State Patrol."

"The male cyclist was going west when a pickup truck hit him from behind around 6:40 a.m."

"The driver was just going down the road and didn't see the cyclist, said a spokesman for the Iowa State Patrol. The Iowa State Patrol is investigating the death."

"The fatal collision happened as riders were beginning a "Mile of Silence" to remember fallen cyclists."

Update: Cyclist - Wayne Ezell, 72. R.I.P. +

A sad way to start RAGBRAI.

"See you next year, RAGBRAI Nation. Until then, Ride Right and Stay Safe!" . . .

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Sad, and ironic that it happen during the "Mile of Silence."

To clarify, it was tragic and on the day RAGBRAI had the Mile of Silence but he was not yet on the route. He was coming back from dipping a wheel in the water. The Mile of Silence was further in to the route.


"Mr.Ezell was a well-respected journalist."

"Wayne Ezell, 72, retired editorial writer for the Florida Times Union died after his bicycle was struck from behind by a pickup truck Sunday morning."

He was on his way to do the traditional 'dipping the bicycle wheels in the Missouri River' at the start of RAGBRAI.

Video: Words from T. J. Juskiewicz, the director of RAGBRAI.

Another incident with a RAGBRAI cyclist and a pickup truck.

Article by Linh Ta 7-25-16. desmoinesregister.com.

"Driver charged in dragging critically injured Ragbrai rider."

"James Foley, 67, of Jacksonville Fla., was sleeping in a tent in Shenandoah when a pickup truck went off the roadway and struck him about 11:30pm. according to a Iowa State Patrol Report."

No charges yet in RAGBRAI bike crash fatality and also in the hit and dragging incident.

Article by Morgan Gstalter 7-30-16

"A second cyclist has died along the Ragbrai route this week. Clifton Kahler, 60, of Florida passed away Tuesday following a heart attack he suffered while riding along Highway 2, according to Iowa State Patrol.
His obituary said he died while doing the thing he loved . . . riding in the annual bike ride."

Article by Morgan Gstalter 7-29-16

Love ♡ at RAGBRAI ! An engagement.

"Both couples met while enjoying their favorite pastime. If you want to meet someone, . . . do what you love to do and you'll find them."

Article by Kyle Munson 7-31-16. "Good and bad luck of another unforgettable RAGBRAI."

"See you next year, RAGBRAI Nation. Until then, Ride Right and Stay Safe."

Thanks goes out to The Des Moines Register with their great work and coverage of RAGBRAI. . .
Michael B.;

I don't think you looked at or read all of the posts.

Are you saying that legitimate and significant news stories should be repressed from the public at large and the Chainlink because they are negative. The founding organizer of RAGBRAI is the Des Moines Register newspaper. These were their credited stories. Also, these stories about RAGBRAI and the incidents were on the network national TV news at 5:30 p.m. What's the media quote? "Don't blame me, I'm only the messenger."

I was also disheartened about hearing about the fatalities and injuries in Iowa at RAGBRAI. I would have really loved to be there also, if even for a day to ride RAGBRAI.

I post plenty of positive stories for the good of the cycling community. I celebrate and promote the positives of cycling every chance I get on this site. What do you do to positively promote cycling here?

All cyclists should be aware and informed and able to handle any situation they experience while on the road and not be naive to what they may face. Being real, being prepared is being safe.
Please, just shut it !

Let's see one of Michael B' helpful posts.

Hey Michael, why don't you open responses again so every one could respond to your bored Monday poll? . . .


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