Tragedy Strikes: Deaths, injuries reported after vehicle hits bicyclists in Michigan

Details are very sketchy but eight cyclists, including children, were hit by a motorist in Kalamazoo County..   Not clear yet how many are dead/injured.

My prayers go out to the victims and their families. 

"Authorities say a vehicle slammed into a group of at least eight bicyclists in western Michigan, leaving an unknown number of people dead and others injured."

Read more at the Tribune site.  

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Photos of tire tracks where he took a shortcut through a yard right next to a house and over a sign, about 1 mile before the crash.

wow -- just wow/

Hopefull story of recovery: "Injured Kalamazoo cyclist shares story of rehabilitation."

If anybody would like a way to contribute to the families, the KBC has created a jersey for with 20% of sale dedicated to the victims. It's a Michigan map with Kzoo marked by the chainlink heart symbol from Kalamazoo Strong.

ordered :D

Very disturbing. Wish his girlfriend had reported him when she saw him take all of the pills. 

...or when he was smoking meth everyday

...or when he held her captive in the hotel room

...or the previous girlfriend when he beat up her 8 yr old daughter.

This guy is a sh*tbag who should have received real help from his "friends", not protection and enabling.

New information regarding this incident has been released via FOI.


A statement by the defendant's lawyer has been released. 


The defendant has been ruled competent to stand trial.

Skip Montanaro found and posted this on his A.C.F. thread. I hope this ordinance helps cyclists there.


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