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A project 'shopping and errand' bike that I haven't touched in 20+ years. Needs tires and cables. I'll throw in an extra freewheel and a few extra cogs, rubber handlebar covers and, an actual Schwinn…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Skip Montanaro 0mi Nov 6, 2022.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Greg Valent Jul 24, 2021.
Since my recent crash, referred to in another post, did a number on my helmet, I'm in search of a new one. My cracked one is a Catlike Whisper Plus, the best ventilated helmet ever. They are no…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Greg Valent Jul 15, 2020.
Since my accident, (2 weeks ago, fractured ribs), several friends(?) have suggested an adult tricycle with a big basket in the back. Well, forget that for now, BUT, as I recall, back in the 1990s,…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Greg Valent Jul 12, 2020.
Hey Greg, Great to hear from you. I'm still sore after yesterday's ride, Major Taylor Trailkeepers.
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