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Started this discussion. Last reply by ketoguychicago Oct 2.
Started this discussion. Last reply by John Greenfield Sep 23.
Started this discussion. Last reply by John Greenfield Sep 4.
Hi Bob, I am considering applying to MBAC. I was wondering if you wanna grab a half hour lunch or a drink during a weekday this or next week... meet at a place at your convenience?
Hi. Thanks for the message. I think at this point I am bringing my bike, but I'd be interested in what you have as a loaner? Richard
Okay, thank you. Nancy
Bob, I can live without most of the things Ghostery suppresses (facebook, twitter integration, tracker cookies, certain ads). And if I 'need' to see a particular component, I just add an exception.
I run Ghostery in combo with AdBlock Plus. I rarely see ads anymore.
Thanks for all the info- I'll let you know what I end up doing! Haven't been to Mackinaw since I was about 10 and all I remember is fudge and pony rides... :)
The messaging system on here is a bit odd...I think you have to friend someone before you can message them. But thanks for the trip advice! Looks like both MI-WI ferries are running this year so it's nice to have those options, though they are expensive:
http://www.lake-express.com/schedule.html http://www.ssbadger.com/schedule-fares/
Do you think it's worth it to buy/carry "Round Lake Michigan: A Bicyclist's Tour Guide"? I don't have a smartphone or garmin or anything so I thought the maps in here might prove useful.
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