North~Side Critical Mass


North~Side Critical Mass

For those that would like to lead a ride,map,and or just don't like the C.C.M. because of different reasons. Come join our HAPPY - FRIDAY Spirt! !! We have music, dogs in baskets,trailers of signs & music, but most of all we have a chuck wagon! :-)

Location: Clark/Ridge/Thorndale @ the young Lincoln
Members: 177
Latest Activity: May 1, 2019

Discussion Forum

NSCM Retrospective 1 Reply

Started by Andrew Bedno. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Sep 11, 2014.

Increased heavy fine for riding on sidewalk on Sheridan Road 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Eliezer Appleton Sep 10, 2013.

5/11/12 North Side CritMass! 3 Replies

Started by Jera Sue. Last reply by Bob Kastigar May 10, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by buddaa38 on March 15, 2010 at 3:59am
The N.S.C.M. group is different then this group.( Even thought we ride on the North Side, But than again anything North of Madison is called North.
Comment by buddaa38 on March 15, 2010 at 3:56am
Thanks Julie, for standing up!
Comment by buddaa38 on March 15, 2010 at 3:47am
I did have a route ! !! But due to a family emergency I had called Hector at 5:20pm. To let him know that I might be 1 hour behind. I wasn't that far behind. But the point is when something comes up you just can't help it.

Know 2nd comment! !!

I agree with you to an extend on riding. Like Hector said when it's cold out we only do routes 10 miles or under that.

In the summer time I do map routes 15-20 miles. I map & ride all of our N.S.C.M. before that day. Don't get me wrong that winter I don't map & route it, Because I do.

3nd comment ! !

I do agree that the beer stops are out of control lately . That if you want to drink that's fine, But PLEASE get your beer, whatever before or just wait til we hit our ending point. Which I usually find nice spots with beer & food. I don't drink, But I do eat and I try my hardest to keep people happy & bring there friends out on these rides. I would like that people come all over to this ride & talk about it for days how much fun that they had. I don't get payed for this . It's just something that I enjoy is seeing more & more bicycles on the streets in local neighborhoods . Last year we would go down the side streets & the kids would come out & Hi five us & cheer it was great. Sometime we ever talked other riders into joining us & they loved it.

So I'm SORRY for having a family Emergency & that the ride wasn't what it was turned out to be. I did put a lot all time & energy on that ride. I myself was very disappointed that it when the way it did.
Comment by buddaa38 on March 15, 2010 at 3:46am
I do put a lot of time in this N.S.C.M. Ride. I don't want it to become like C.C.M. Last year when Hector & I took over this or control whatever you want to call it. We started with 20 riders if that at times, And at the end of summer we had 70+ riders! !! In that was 2 trailers with sound, and 1 Happy ~ Friday trailer, 1 kids trailer with 2 kids in it. This is what I'm trying to develop is more families and singles as well.
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 15, 2010 at 2:53am
thanks kohaku :)
Comment by Kohaku on March 15, 2010 at 2:29am
I wouldn't want it to be a regular thing but the couple of stops before the final destination was fun this last mass.
Comment by rik on March 14, 2010 at 7:57pm
Hector said:
"...All through the winter we have made it a short ride/bar/ride."
Hector: and Buddaa38
When did you tell anyone this?
Is it posted on event anywhere during those winter rides? How about on the chicago calender?
Did you announce it at the March 12 ride?
Did you tell anyone?

Lets have a little honesty here please; if the ride was canceled for the winter months and in it's place you guys put a "short bar hop" night because you and your friends are too cold during the winter; then that is ok with me. Just say so. It is called honesty. I respect that.
But now you can not claim that you are "BikeWinter" people.
Nor should you state that this is a "BikeWinter" event.
You guys are not "BikeWinter"
I remember standing at the Lincoln statue in the fall 2009 and you 2 guys told me and about 30 other people that you ride all winter long. It is not much of a problem. You brought those special socks to show and pass around, remember? The special boots you passed around to show, remember? Just dress for it. bla bla bla Those were just words right?

Does anyone understand the concept of consensus?
It is the reason for arriving to a RIDE at 6:30. and then leave at 7PM.
It is not right when a clique of riders with there own secret agenda of bar hopping shows up late and then tries to get everyone to follow.

Can someone please show me how I am wrong about all this stuff.

Hector said:
"...All through the winter we have made it a short ride/bar/ride."
Comment by buddaa38 on March 13, 2010 at 3:47am
Hey Everyone,
I'm sorry for not being at the start, But a family problem came up ! I will make it up next month.
Comment by Kohaku on March 12, 2010 at 8:48am
Horseshoe Lounge sounds cool. Where is the ride ending?
Comment by Todd Allen on March 9, 2010 at 6:46pm
Duppie, if only it was "Acoustic Motortrike" it would be perfect. But close enough. And thanks all for the other suggestions. I'll be hunting them down tomorrow.

If anybody has some favorite Irish tracks you can bring them on your own digital music players and I can put them on before or after the ride. Or email me the tracks, speedebikes at gmail dot com and I'll put them in my mix.

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