I think UIC is great. What is the date for the ride again? Is the rotating ride going to be the 3rd Saturday of the month?
I don't know if you've been choosing THEMES for these rides, but I have an idea for June:
JUNEBUG!- you don't have to try to look like an actual junebug, because they are not the most attractive insect if you ask me, but kids and parents with antennae on their helmets! and maybe bee stripes or ladybug polkadots! I think it would be a vision!
Also, I LOVE Ping Tom park! Great destination idea.
I have a number of interested people asking me about the next set of Kidical Mass rides.
I'm seeing the start location for June is the plaza at Maxwell st. & Newberry Ave. on the east side of recreation field. Will the June tour meet at 10:30am/ leave at 11am like our standard tour model?
Is this confirmed info that we can promote to the public via various media?
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