I think we can make Albany Park a definite go! I have been talking with Tony. He may not be able to ride it but we will work on a route together, he will help with promoting it, I will be at the ride.
We have an APB board meeting this upcoming Thursday and I will make sure we have the ride on our agenda.
Hey Todd-
That area is quite nice...is it still Albany park, or are we in North Park at that point? Regardless, it's still a nice area.
There is a really nice path that goes around Eugene park and into the North Park Campus. We could probably take that to hook up with Bernard North. Do you see a good place to cross Pulaski? This route puts us at about 2.5 miles each way: http://bit.ly/bL5fch
I'm not seeing too many true parks right in Albany park. Maybe another idea could be to meet in Horner Park, where there is a large loop for starting and then go to a school's playground, as I'm not really seeing many other parks in the vacinity.
There are also
I believe Eugene Field Park has a playground and a small spray pool. It seems like it might make sense for a start point for those reasons. As for ease of parking around there, I bow to more knowledgeable and wiser heads.
July 17th is the date
If A.P.B. is working out for July, then this proposal below could transfer to August...
My idea for another ride is go down to the lakefront with the kids when the weather is warm so the lake effect winds shouldn't be a chilly problem.
We could start the ride at the Peggy Notebart Nature Museum parking lot inside Lincoln Park and could start with a loop within the park walkways for young kids. Then we could take Stockton Drive south past the Farm in the Zoo, little kids could stay & play there (farm in the zoo or at the Botanical Gardens along the drive) while the older/more adventurous kids could continue and cross the pedestrian bridge to the bike path and the beaches. Then we could take a ride to the fountain plaza in front of Navy Pier and then back again to rejoin the group and return to the Notebart.
One issue is Todd, your trike-mobile won't make the turns on the pedestrian bridge. Could be tough for parents with kids in tow on Burley carriers too. There are underpasses at Fullerton & North Ave and we could relink up with the "trailer contingent" on the bike path... Or maybe we avoid trying to get to the waterfront at the other side of LSD and just enjoy a variety of loops & the drives (both Stockton & Cannon Drives are a nice loop) within Lincoln Park...
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