Critical Mass discussion


Critical Mass discussion

For discussing anything Critical Mass. Your loves, your hates, things you would like to see more or less of, theory, hooligans.. Any topic open for discussion

Location: Chicago
Members: 261
Latest Activity: May 30

Discussion Forum

SUGGESTED map for October 2015 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Oct 26, 2015.

April 2014 Critical Mass 1 Reply

Started by Lisa Sanzenbacher. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Nov 22, 2013.

May Critical Mass - Ride/After Party 5 Replies

Started by Ms. Red [Jessy Doolin]. Last reply by Zotex - Scott E. Long May 25, 2013.

Critical Mass Videos 6 Replies

Started by Aaron Bussey. Last reply by Barbra Mann Nov 4, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by buddaa38 on March 22, 2010 at 9:52pm
How about Devon Ave.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on March 22, 2010 at 5:36am
Gotta get my sound bike functional!
Comment by Chuck a Muck on March 22, 2010 at 5:29am
let me break out my Flight, boots and braces, OI!
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 22, 2010 at 5:03am

The Business - Suburban rebels
Uploaded by celticfirm. - Watch more music videos, in HD! this might help more - oi oi oi!
Comment by Chuck a Muck on March 22, 2010 at 4:59am
I'm calling my map the Working Class Hero Tour, if that helps with music choice...
Comment by Andrew Bedno on March 22, 2010 at 4:48am
I'm down with Chuck leading us South.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on March 22, 2010 at 4:10am
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 22, 2010 at 3:49am
why dont you guys just decide to ride to Hegewisch finally and we can have a battle royale in Mann Park?
Comment by Todd Allen on March 22, 2010 at 3:46am
I like the discussion of ride ideas, themes and music. It's a fair amount of work to put it all together and a little discussion can make it easier and make the result better.

If anyone pitches a ride theme for which music can play a role I'll try and have an appropriate play list. It's easier when people suggest, artists or tracks and easiest when someone can supply tracks.

And if anyone is interested in doing live performance on my rig or would like to suggest someone, please contact me.
Comment by rik on March 21, 2010 at 6:09pm
Wow, did i get it all wrong.
I read the heading for this group:
"For discussing anything Critical Mass. Your loves, your hates, things you would like to see more or less of, theory, hooligans.. Any topic open for discussion"

My take is it that this group discussion board is only for those that bother to join and partake in it. If you are just a casual reader then you could not partake. One would have to want to partake and then join.
Any points covered, any agreements or disagreements made, any ideas mocked, consensus made, any vote tally conducted, would obviously just be for and by those who participated. Any thing that happens here is only relevant to this group and certainly not to 1000's of other riders whether or not they rode in a CM ride.
If a handful of us on this group voted to wear flowers in our helmets to celebrate spring's arrival. What is wrong with that. It just means we decided something. It does not mean it is binding on anyone. Also if I polled for the popularity of a certain route or music What is wrong with that? It is my talking point. The tally would be self evident so no moderator would be needed. If you do not agree then that is ok. Just do try to ban certain topics relevant to CM. This is not the City Council making laws. It just some interested people throwing some ideas around in absolutely the right place. As notoriousDUG implied there is no way our little talk zone could or should set policy for CM or any one else.
Who is moderator/facilitator of this group? - someone almost comes to mind - someone who horns in on every point and topic and tries to decide everything. Well maybe only "de facto' moderator. I do not know who. Any votes?

Members (260)


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