Critical Mass discussion


Critical Mass discussion

For discussing anything Critical Mass. Your loves, your hates, things you would like to see more or less of, theory, hooligans.. Any topic open for discussion

Location: Chicago
Members: 261
Latest Activity: May 30

Discussion Forum

SUGGESTED map for October 2015 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Oct 26, 2015.

April 2014 Critical Mass 1 Reply

Started by Lisa Sanzenbacher. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Nov 22, 2013.

May Critical Mass - Ride/After Party 5 Replies

Started by Ms. Red [Jessy Doolin]. Last reply by Zotex - Scott E. Long May 25, 2013.

Critical Mass Videos 6 Replies

Started by Aaron Bussey. Last reply by Barbra Mann Nov 4, 2012.

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Comment by cutifly on May 29, 2010 at 6:54pm
2008 I was the very last bike on LSD and I was seriously afraid this punk kid was going to run me down and then beat me some more. It was really a close call for me. This time I stayed ahead in the middle and although I do enjoy being rowdy and crazy, I don't think I will have it in me for another time. To be honest I do not think the police /city will let it happen again, but that is only my opinion and guess. Thanks to everyone for a great ride....
Comment by roofis lee king on May 29, 2010 at 6:46pm
we got on lsd at belmont and had it four lanes wide by the time we hit fullerton, once the cops showed everyone ran and jumped the railing. it was complete and utter chaos. did anyone get ticketed like 2008?
Comment by roofis lee king on May 29, 2010 at 6:41pm
2008's lsd trip video was awsome. check it out. that was a wild ride too

Comment by steve rulz on May 29, 2010 at 4:59pm
The LSD stuff at the end is pretty gnarly.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on May 29, 2010 at 2:54pm
Quick post, more later maybe... The drive was entirely blocked, all lanes, for several minutes, at a standstill while dozens lofted bikes and chanted "FUCK BP", until cops showed, and we spilled over the fence into the park. I got video I'll post eventually.
About cohesiveness, I got several calls from friend on rear saying large trailing blocks of riders had become isolated. A video of what I thought was the entire mass is barely six minutes (normally much longer), before I saw cars and jumped back in, later hearing I had probably missed a second mass after the cars. But that is the nature of things at such huge sizes.
Aaron, Jami, hella-kudos.
Comment by Kenneth Spencer on May 29, 2010 at 10:48am
A guy with a blue Dodge Charger wanted to start a fight. This was at the front of the Mass We all stood our ground and blocked the intersection but it really got crazy for a bit so I left.
Comment by Kenneth Spencer on May 29, 2010 at 10:08am
It was a good ride. Left after the incident at North and LaSalle
Comment by Todd Allen on May 29, 2010 at 5:25am
Hey Aaron I forgot to add that the map was awesome looking too. Loved the graphics.

I was dallying, expecting another lap around the plaza when I realized the ride was already south bound. As I took off there were still two or three hundred people still standing around so it was a bit of a challenge just to thread through and join the ride.

But I was kind of glad to see the ride just strike out and go. In a perverse way I enjoyed watching a group huffing and puffing frantically on their last cigarettes while trying to mount up as they realized they might get left behind.

So I started near the rear and was slowly working toward the front for the entire ride. Never did see the front so I knew the ride was big and stayed big.

Also, on most rides I feel like I am surrounded by people I know or at least recognize from previous rides. There are always some fresh faces too, but usually they are outnumbered by the familiar. But last night there were a lot of people I don't recall ever seeing before and quite a few who gaped or pulled up to chat because they had never seen my rig.

One mostly new contingent was the roller skating crew. We often get a few inline bladers but last night there was a fair number on old school skates. I didn't think those were that street worthy but they seemed to be getting on fine.
Comment by BalloonBiker on May 29, 2010 at 4:49am
Great job to Aaron for taking an idea and doing a great job executing it. Thanks also to everyone who helped keep us on track and who corked, and boo'ed BP and who wished a happy Friday to Motorist and who blindly followed the oil spills.

Andrew did a rough count and said that there was about 2200 riders.

I'm not quite sure when and where the ride got on Lakeshore. Our map had us ending in Lincoln Park, but the kept going...I left after we got to the final station as well.
Comment by Doug Haynes on May 29, 2010 at 4:38am
I believe the LSD incursion took place at the end of the ride.

It was an excellent ride; well paced, well routed and well behaved.

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