Critical Mass discussion


Critical Mass discussion

For discussing anything Critical Mass. Your loves, your hates, things you would like to see more or less of, theory, hooligans.. Any topic open for discussion

Location: Chicago
Members: 261
Latest Activity: May 30

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SUGGESTED map for October 2015 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Oct 26, 2015.

April 2014 Critical Mass 1 Reply

Started by Lisa Sanzenbacher. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Nov 22, 2013.

May Critical Mass - Ride/After Party 5 Replies

Started by Ms. Red [Jessy Doolin]. Last reply by Zotex - Scott E. Long May 25, 2013.

Critical Mass Videos 6 Replies

Started by Aaron Bussey. Last reply by Barbra Mann Nov 4, 2012.

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Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on June 30, 2011 at 5:22am
Howard, nice. BUT it is slightly different when a Sheriff does this in Illinois and many other states that still grant that positions its traditional role. The idea is that since the Sheriff is directly responsible to the people by way of an election the Sheriff is the the best arbiter of what laws are compatible with those people he represents. This is why during a financial collapse of unexpected economic devastation aSheriff in Illinois has the capacity, right and power to selectively enforce foreclosure laws. Essentially the idea is that law means nothing without the consent of the people and it's the role of the Sheriff to see this through.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on June 30, 2011 at 5:09am
Second: The two issues are utterly unrelated and if you would take a step back you would know it. Your emotional attachment to your problem is clearly biasing any judgement you may have on issues that have a related quality. It's a problem everyone faces and struggles with and I hope you see past and over your mental restraints one day.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on June 30, 2011 at 5:06am
FIRST: Look up the responsiblity of a Sheriff in the Illinois law books sometimes. Sherrifs are tasked with upholding the law of the land as they see fit. Which means if a Sheriff thinks something is illegitimate then the Sheriff can not uphold that law. It's part of the legal checks and balances system we have. Of course if a Sheriff is negligent to the people who he represents there are numerous checks on that positions position of power. Now this of course varies from State to State but traditionally this is the role of a Sheriff.
Comment by Jason W on June 30, 2011 at 4:11am

You fail to see what they have in common? It is the exact same thing. You come over and tell the squatters to clean up their act. You'll get shot. Stop being so naive. Squatters negatively affect those around them. Google something along the lines of "how do I get squatters evicted" and you will read thousands of horror stories like mine.


And the reality of Tom Dart is he was grandstanding while mulling his run for mayor. Enough of this "won't someone think of the children" bullshit. Dart was after political gain, nothing else. He doesn't care about the children of the fiscally inept, or the children that live next door to me and fear the junkies and drug dealing thugs. How a sheriff gets away with just deciding he is not going to enforce the law is ridiculous. It completely screws up our whole system of government. What a piece of shit.

Comment by Jason W on June 29, 2011 at 9:15am
And meanwhile the junkie squatters who never legally had any right to live in the condo below me are still there. I hope you don't think his grandstanding is a positive Spencer.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on June 27, 2011 at 7:59am
A note on Sheriff Dart. He was the first Sheriff to cease kicking people out of foreclosed homes during beginning stages of the current economic crisis.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on May 31, 2011 at 2:08pm

For context, Kelly is a dearest friend, and may think I had some hand in bringing the mass to what happened to be right past his work, and subsequently right passed his home (1.5 miles away).  Just the usual really crazy luck.

What we followed was a reprint from history on the back of willow's Derailleur, her grounds for choice unknown, but believed unintended as actual.  Pretty funny.

Map ended at Green Mill, mass went Argyle to Sheridan to Hollywood, then looped W to Ridge and back to lakefrontpath then south.

>11mi, there's a rough plot on MassUp.

Comment by Kelly Askam on May 29, 2011 at 5:23pm
I work at the Starbucks inside the new Broadway/Wilson Target store, and it totally made my day when critical mass went by.  Thank you!!  Also...I vote Andrew Bedno for U.S. President or at least some sort of exotic territories government official. :D  Can't wait for the Naked ride.
Comment by Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! on May 27, 2011 at 9:18am
Comment by Mark Newald on May 17, 2011 at 5:23am
I live out of state, but have rode in two CCM's. Love them. I am bringing six of us to ride May 27. But it seems pretty quite. Any maps, routes or themes in the works? Really looking forward to the May Mass.

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