Chainlink Gardeners


Chainlink Gardeners

A place for chainlink plantophiles to share tips and maybe get a little exchange thingy going.

(fyi guys, we turned off the group message option since Ning doesn't give you a way to respond. So use the comments or forum threads here if you have a message to the group. We are slowly doing this for each group. 9/29/12)

Members: 77
Latest Activity: Jun 28, 2015

Discussion Forum

2015 garden photos 4 Replies

Started by Anne Alt. Last reply by Anne Alt Jun 28, 2015.

2013 Gardening Photos! 11 Replies

Started by Garth Liebhaber. Last reply by h' Zerocats Aug 30, 2013.

ISO plants + pots 1 Reply

Started by Melissa. Last reply by Erin Jun 24, 2013.

Shout Out for Orange Mint! 10 Replies

Started by in it to win it 8.0 mi. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jun 14, 2013.

Volunteer Day and Potluck at the Urban Farm at UIC

Started by Melissa M Sep 19, 2012.

June 2012 garden plant update 4 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Jul 4, 2012.

2012 garden photos thread 5 Replies

Started by Anne B.. Last reply by Todd Allen May 29, 2012.

Neighborhood Nutrition Centers Community Meeting

Started by Les Kniskern May 14, 2012.

2012 Plant Exchange thread 3 Replies

Started by Duppie. Last reply by Duppie Apr 17, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Chainlink Gardeners to add comments!

Comment by Les Kniskern on June 8, 2011 at 9:36am
Cool. Where are you/when? You can shoot me an e-mail at
Comment by igz on June 8, 2011 at 9:29am
id be happy to share.  more than enough
Comment by Les Kniskern on June 8, 2011 at 8:40am

If it's butternut squash... can you spare a few seedlings?

Les 773-339-5915

Comment by Todd Allen on June 8, 2011 at 8:08am
Pray that it isn't zucchini.
Comment by igz on June 8, 2011 at 7:31am
looks like squash indeed.  honey, we're growing squash
Comment by Allison M. down Ogden 7.9 mi on June 8, 2011 at 3:53am
Looks like a bunch of squash seeds have sprouted!
Comment by igz on June 8, 2011 at 3:26am

anyone know what the heck this is? started growing in a worm composter.


Comment by Les Kniskern on May 14, 2011 at 11:44am


 Neighborhood Nutrition Centers

invites you to the Lincoln Square Community Garden

4811 North Western (the lot north of Walgreens)


Sunday, May 15

drop by between 11:00am and 2:00pm


have a sip of herbal tea

and learn about

Building a Local Food System

and the

One Square Foot


Community back yard gardeners commit one square foot of their at-home planting area and produce a single food crop. As produce is harvested, it is used for cooking demonstrations and tastings. At these events, to benefit lower income families through local service agencies, produce from neighbor community harvests are given out along with sample recipes and coupons for the local farmer’s market.

For more information:

or call 773-339-5915


Grow local. Eat local. Feed your neighbor.

 NNC operates under the not-for-profit fiscal arm of Center for Economic Policy Analysis, Chicago IL

Comment by Allison M. down Ogden 7.9 mi on May 14, 2011 at 10:17am
Are you free tomorrow afternoon, Howard? around 3 or 4?
Comment by igz on May 13, 2011 at 1:38pm
Um...whatev's available. Unless this is a deal strictly between you and allison.

Members (76)


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