
Bike Winter

Location: Chicago-Milwaukee-Madison-St. Louis
Members: 462
Latest Activity: Dec 1, 2019

The Bike Winter Calendar is up and running!

View it here

And feel free to add events early and often!

Discussion Forum

2016 Stickers? 2 Replies

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Sarah D. Jan 4, 2017.

Winter eyewear/goggles-??? 28 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by Glenn Bradford Dec 1, 2016.

Leggings vs Leg Warmers 14 Replies

Started by igz. Last reply by Lisa Curcio Nov 14, 2014.

The 2015 Bike Winter Mascot/Sticker Design competition thread 50 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by Lisa Curcio Sep 29, 2014.

Winter Shoes/Boots 7 Replies

Started by Adam Herstein. Last reply by Eric Such Nov 29, 2013.

Waterproof gloves suggestions? 14 Replies

Started by Jackie. Last reply by Lisa Curcio Oct 18, 2013.

2014 Bike Winter Mascot/Sticker Design competition thread 40 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Sep 13, 2013.

Seeking Participants for Panel Discussion on Bike Winter

Started by Joe Studer 8.0 mi Aug 12, 2013.

Trying to price a used bike, not mine 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Tim S Jul 28, 2013.

Winter? Ha! Bring It On!!! 2 Replies

Started by Thunder Snow. Last reply by Thunder Snow Oct 26, 2012.

Waterproof/Windproof Shoe Suggestion 17 Replies

Started by Michael Millican. Last reply by igz Oct 8, 2012.

Summer? Meh! Just noodling.... Does anyone bicycle "Toys for Tots"? 24 Replies

Started by bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead). Last reply by bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) Sep 21, 2012.

Bike Winter kickoff meeting 2013 3 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by Adam Herstein Sep 18, 2012.

2013 Bike Winter Mascot/Sticker Design competition-- Voting has ended! 7 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Sep 17, 2012.

2013 Bike Winter Sticker-- final entries??? 7 Replies

Started by h' Zerocats. Last reply by h' Zerocats Sep 9, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Bike Winter to add comments!

Comment by h' Zerocats on August 26, 2010 at 7:24am
Comment by Scott Hawley on August 25, 2010 at 10:13am
What time is the deadline tomorrow? I wanted to submit something today but have had a few 'work' projects get in my way here at work..
Comment by h' Zerocats on July 20, 2010 at 2:58pm
Sunday Sunday Sunday July 25: Bike Winter Annual Summer Chair-Changing and Pesto Party!

Event listing:

(RSVP suggested)

Time: Saturday July 25, 2010, 3 PM=>

Location: Julie's, near Lawrence and Hermitage-- call or text for exact address, or just look for lots of bikes . . .

Join the Chicago Bike Winter crew for the semi-annual Changing of the Chairs event. The pesto will be flowing, the grill available, and food and good spirits will be on hand in abundance.
Bring a dish to share.
Arrive after 3; Ceremony at 5:00, probably best to call if you plan to arrive much later than 7 to see if things are still hopping.

Howard: 773/710-4143

Julie: 773/965-3396
Comment by Cullen Carter on March 1, 2010 at 8:30am
Thank goodness seasons are only temporary!
Comment by A.K.A Paul on March 1, 2010 at 6:51am

I lived in California for four years and it seemed like time flew by so fast because there wasnt such a drastic change in the seasons. Being in Chicago, I love seeing, feeling, riding through the changes.

Comment by Jackie on March 1, 2010 at 5:41am
Haha, I like the seasons, I just would prefer winter to not be so long. And I actually am not sticking around for next winter. I think that I am moving to Seattle in September or October. At first I was going to move somewhere warm for winter, then move to Seattle in the spring of 2011, but I think I'm just going to go straight to Seattle - their winters are much more mild anyways.

Yeah, I dislike it when people in Chicago complain when it's too hot. I understand when people complain about the heat, and they are in Texas, but Chicago?! Come on!
Comment by spacemodular on March 1, 2010 at 5:00am
nice greengle speed!
Comment by Norm Hansen on March 1, 2010 at 3:32am
After riding through White Out's , 12" of snow, Sub freezing temps and 472 Commuter miles in February, I will be happy for warmer days.
Riding yesterday in 35 degrees was a pleasant change. Those who don't like weather change should move. This is Chicago Midwest, if you don't like the weather...wait it will be different. I appreciate the different seasons. I said the other day "The first one to complain that it's to hot...I'm going to punch them in the Mouth!"

Comment by Joe Studer 8.0 mi on March 1, 2010 at 3:22am
I took the snow tires off yesterday. My groundhog says winter is done, despite the light snow I was riding through this morning.

I was nonetheless loving the slicks.
Comment by h' Zerocats on March 1, 2010 at 3:04am
I'm ready for late winter/early spring . . . summer has become my least favorite season.

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