Bike Boulevards Now!


Bike Boulevards Now!

Agitating for a network of streets built for safe and comfortable travel by bike

Location: Chicago
Members: 89
Latest Activity: Oct 15, 2014


What's new? We're trying to find out exactly what is going on with CDOT. If nothing specific is planned yet, we'll mount a letter-writing campaign that vividly shows what we want, why and when (now). If they do have plans, we'll go from there.

Discussion Forum

Testimonials - put your story here 5 Replies

Please add your personal story that shows why the streets as they are don't serve our basic need of getting around without fear.Continue

Tags: children, transportation, planning, kids, family

Started by Sarah Kaplan. Last reply by Bob Kastigar Mar 28, 2013.

Bicycle Boulevard Infrastructure Requests 13 Replies

I hope you all will add to this discussion with a long list of needed infrastructure requests to improve cycling on our streets that should become Bicycle Boulevards.My first suggestion is that on…Continue

Started by Todd Allen. Last reply by payton Apr 23, 2010.

Why do you want Bike Boulevards in Chicago?

Bike Boulevards Now! is a single-issue, grassroots group committed to having Chicago build a bike boulevard by 2011.  A bike boulevard is a street designed for cyclists to get where they need to go…Continue

Tags: children, transportation, planning, kids, family

Started by Sarah Kaplan Feb 12, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Bike Boulevards Now! to add comments!

Comment by Sarah Kaplan on April 7, 2010 at 4:21pm
If you'd like to be on the email list where we plan meetings and talk about what actions to take next, follow this link:
Comment by rik on April 7, 2010 at 10:20am
A case for separated bike lanes
Comment by Todd Allen on April 6, 2010 at 7:21am
ATA is actively soliciting input for a pilot bike boulevard.

Please check out this link and spend a little time thinking about it and send in your suggestion(s).

I would also love to hear people's ideas and reasonings for proposals as it would help me make up my own mind for the best choices.
Comment by Todd Allen on April 3, 2010 at 3:28am
Just noticed that your update notice of our meeting this morning doesn't include the time. Which is 10:00AM. Hope to see some of you soon.
Comment by Jason Greenberg on April 2, 2010 at 11:14am
Dear BBN Members-

Please help get the word out about the upcoming Kidical Mass rides for kids (that will feature recreational rides on our wonderful boulevards...) coming up this weekend and for the next 2 months...

For complete dates, times & details, see this link to the poster:
Comment by Todd Allen on March 17, 2010 at 6:57pm
The BTA of Portland Oregon has hired away Rob Sadowsky and simultaneously announced the Portland city council has approved $20 million to pursue their Bicycle Boulevards project. Their plans may take $600 million to complete, but with the city's strong backing obtaining the federal funding needed to complete the project will be much easier.

I think we ought to issue a press release urging Chicago to stride forward with our own Bike 2015 plan and not get left in the dust by Portland.
Comment by Todd Allen on March 17, 2010 at 2:54am
Is there currently a website for listing needed bicycle infrastructure improvements here in Chicago?

If not, I suggest we start a page for this on the Bicycle Boulevards Now website. Then when we meet with CDOT or ATA we can suggest they monitor our page or we can periodically put in requests for improvements on the list and follow up with them on our requests.

I'd suggest we break it up into requests directly related to potential Bike Boulevard routes and a second section for anything else. Obviously, being a single-issue group the requests related to Bike Boulevards would be our focus.

Until we have a website page for this where we can fill it with richer content like videos, etc. I'm going to start a discussion Bike Boulevard Infrastructure Requests and I ask you to start listing your suggestions and requests there.
Comment by Sarah Kaplan on March 13, 2010 at 12:23pm
P.S. one of my goals is to have 2,000 members by August. So feel free to invite your friends - people who bike who are sick of being afraid, and people who don't bike because they're afraid.
Comment by Sarah Kaplan on March 13, 2010 at 12:22pm
This morning we had a 6-person meeting at New Wave Coffee. Energetic parents Karen and Jason took on preparations for Kidical Mass on Saturday. We also talked about what happened at the last MBAC meeting and our strategy. We still want to propose a plan for a bike boulevard network in Chicago because apparently CDOT has not picked out a street. We talked about other basic to-do's like adding everyone who's signed a sign-up sheet to our listserve and this Chainlink Group, and how we're probably ready to meet with Active Trans about how to be most effective and collaborate with what they're doing. This is a general overview - online discussion is welcome here.
Comment by Britt Willey on March 11, 2010 at 1:53am
the Humboldt Park library was reserved yesterday for the meeting as well if you need a backup plan

Members (88)


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