I hope you all will add to this discussion with a long list of needed infrastructure requests to improve cycling on our streets that should become Bicycle Boulevards.
My first suggestion is that on the southbound inner lane of the Humboldt Boulevard approaching North Avenue there should be a treatment to facilitate cyclists crossing North Avenue into Humboldt Park. Only the center traffic lanes of Humboldt cross North Avenue. For cyclists to cross from the inner lane they must first use the sidewalk to reach the center traffic lanes. Because it is illegal for cyclists to use sidewalks except where posted the cheap and easy fix would be a sign or pavement markings there making it explicit that it is desired that cyclists use this bit of sidewalk.
However, sidewalks should be for pedestrians. While it is possible to share it is better for both peds and bikers when they don't. The minimal solution would be to widen the sidewalk and paint a lane for cyclists. Another possibility would be stripe a bicycle lane on the center lanes of Humboldt and direct cyclists onto it at the previous intersection. Another possibility would be to put in a crossing directly over North avenue for the inner southbound lane of Humboldt.