What's your funniest ever moment while riding a bike? Was it local or while traveling?

Mine was several years ago on a visit to Savannah, GA. I was riding on one of the main streets in downtown Savannah and was waiting at a red light, wearing my Tour de Stooges jersey. (Yes, I'm a Three Stooges fan.) As I waited, I heard "nyuk nyuk nyuk" from my left. I turned and saw a guy sitting in a pickup truck left to me, laughing a bit. I responded "woooo woooo woooo wooo." He laughed again. I laughed. The light changed. We both went on our way with a smile.

BTW, I thought Savannah was a great place to ride. They do have some bike events there (like this century). They also have a good network of bike lanes and signed bike routes, and drivers were generally reasonable.

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I did a touring/camping ride with the YMCA when I was in HS. One of the kids swore by his sports creme, which he would use on his legs each morning - of course, we gave him crap for it. One day towards the end of the ride I saw him riding slowly in the distance ahead of me. As I got closer I could hear him yelling his leg was cramping - I looked, and his shorts were rolled up - leg solid white from ankle to hip with sports creme. I don't think he used it again.
Mine was before actually getting on the bike. I made the mortal error of using a car tire pressure gauge to check my tire pressure. This one did go up to 100, but it was f'd up apparently. I diligently checked the pressure as I added more and more air to the tube, and the pressure reading slowly increased. As I was putting the gauge back on the valve, the tube exploded with a loud BANG, sending green slime everywhere and blasting fragments of what used to be my pressure gauge all around the back yard.

Soon after, I bought my first Park Tool floor pump with the gauge right on the pump : )
Priceless! I think I'll have the image of exploding slime in my head all night. :)

Primitive Don said:
Mine was before actually getting on the bike. I made the mortal error of using a car tire pressure gauge to check my tire pressure. This one did go up to 100, but it was f'd up apparently. I diligently checked the pressure as I added more and more air to the tube, and the pressure reading slowly increased. As I was putting the gauge back on the valve, the tube exploded with a loud BANG, sending green slime everywhere and blasting fragments of what used to be my pressure gauge all around the back yard.

Soon after, I bought my first Park Tool floor pump with the gauge right on the pump : )
Just last weekend I was biking up in highland park and pulled over to talk to a bunch of 14 year old boys to ask for direction. I tried hopping off my bike quicker than my feet could get out of my clip-ins and wiped out right there in mid-sentence. The teenagers, were sitting there, at first, shocked. But then very sweet and helpful. It was cute. My knee still hurts thought.
I brought a 4 year old, warm and half filled keg to the BMX Trails to put into a jump. Saves on dirt an old BMX trick. Anyway Homeless people hang out there all the time.You know to buy kids beer for a little extra cash. We left to get some lunch and when we got back the keg was gone. A hour later the police came and asked us about a few men in the area lugging around a keg. A few days later we saw them again, and they offered to buy us a 40oz for N/C since they stole the keg. Their only complaint was that it was a little flat.
Mine was actually a crash I had with another cyclist- very minor. I was making a right, and the cyclist was going down the wrong way in the bike lane, which is one of my pet peeves (grrrrrrr.......). Anywho, as I turned once car traffic was clear, there she was at full speed. I hit the brakes and before I knew it, I was holding her in my arms! She hit her front brake so hard that she lifted her back wheel and went flying into me, but I was already holding my ground so I caught her. All we could do was laugh! I was in such disbelief that I wasn't even mad about it. If she were 5'8'' and a dude, it would have been love at first flight.

All we could do was laugh! I was in such disbelief that I wasn't even mad about it.
4-year-old beer? I can understand not wanting to toss out beer, but that's a bit extreme, haha.

Hilarious story nonetheless.

Matt AKA JImbo/BMXican said:
I brought a 4 year old, warm and half filled keg to the BMX Trails to put into a jump. Saves on dirt an old BMX trick. Anyway Homeless people hang out there all the time.You know to buy kids beer for a little extra cash. We left to get some lunch and when we got back the keg was gone. A hour later the police came and asked us about a few men in the area lugging around a keg. A few days later we saw them again, and they offered to buy us a 40oz for N/C since they stole the keg. Their only complaint was that it was a little flat.
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
4-year-old beer? I can understand not wanting to toss out beer, but that's a bit extreme, haha.

It depends on the beer. I've had sierra nevada celebration ale that was a few year's old. It was very delicious. But I don't think Bud or Schlitz would hold up as well.

Have two funny moments I can remember that happened last year. The first one was I took the train home from Highland Park late at night back to Kenosha. I came on board sat down next to an older lady after securing my ride. I had on alot of gear on me, helmet with light and camera, Camelbak, cargo vest, pads, etc. She asked me what I was supposed to be, "A half-assed astronaut or a super-hero? I looked at her and repplied, "A biker guy that puts up with old people that do not know how to drive a car and grandmas that like to ask me too many questions while riding on the train." She told me that I stunk of beer and ass. I laughed and since I had downed a Miller before getting on and was very dirty. She got out a can of air freshner before her last stop and sprayed it in my genral area. Crazy old lady, she got out at Great Lakes and had the balls to give me the finger after spraying the can of Lysol! Other funny item was watching a gal chase after her dog. She was walking her dog, the doggie took a dump, she bent over to pick up the poo. She made the mistake of letting go on the leash to pick up the sh*t. He took off, she ran after him in hot pusuit. She had a tube top on and the twins fell out while she was running. She had a set of 40 DD's at least. I followed the dog and caught up to it and manged to get control of him by giving him a doggie treat. People were taking pictures also of her and the nice ta-ta's she had. I was the only one with out a camera, never fails. This ever happen on the Lake front path in Chicago?
I got hit by a car when I was 11 or so by a legally blind man; not terribly funny, but the insurance $$ allowed me to buy first "nice" bike: a Fuji.

I was riding on the Lakefront path this past summer, and this woman stopped me. She asked if I had a pump. I replied in the affirmative. Then she asked if I had tire levers. Yep. Then she wanted to know if I had a tube. You betcha. Then the clincher:

"Can you change the tube for me?"

Being the gallant Sir Walter Raliegh-esque lad that I am, I did the deed. And managed to get her rear tire pumped up enough to get her on her way. She offered me some money, but I declined. It's all about passing on the luv. ;-)
Passing the love is actually similar to catching disease. I am glad your not a Hooker J.
I remember throwing a banana peel over my shoulder (like a hook shot in basketball) on a century ride long ago. The banana went one way and I went the other - I crashed, and for years afterward a guy I was out riding with continued to call me "banana".
Another good one was bringing one of my boys to a BMX track for his first race. I brought along a 24" cruiser I had at the time, and during the warm ups crashed so hard I had to have my jaw wired shut and my arm casted. Needless to say we didn't race that day LOL


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