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Ah, the real world--the world we live in!

February Mass... Superhero Mass... Because anyone that bikes winter in Chicago is a superhero.... So? WEAR A CAPE!!!!

I wonder if that's the same Christian Edstrom that used to codrive for Travis Pastrana in the Rally America series.  I know he was from New York and had a real job in addition to rallies.  He was a bit chubby five years ago but I can't imagine what he looks like doing 40 mile commutes these days.

Actually, we are selfish:

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

February Mass... Superhero Mass... Because anyone that bikes winter in Chicago is a superhero.... So? WEAR A CAPE!!!!

Unless you're commuting from Krypton.

Yes, it's the same guy.

Tricolor said:

I wonder if that's the same Christian Edstrom that used to codrive for Travis Pastrana in the Rally America series.  I know he was from New York and had a real job in addition to rallies.  He was a bit chubby five years ago but I can't imagine what he looks like doing 40 mile commutes these days.

Make sure you dry those tears before you go outside.

Jennifer on the lake said:

I think you do tonight. It's so cold I'm crying---and I haven't even left the building to ride home yet.


David P. said:

Yes, it's the same guy.


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