Our parent company told us today that they were closing the Chicago office, only keeping on the sales team (I'm in IT). So my last day is March 31. My team was given a pretty generous severance deal (2.5 months pay) along with 3 months of insurance.

But this gig was really the only thing keeping me readily tethered to Chicago. So now it's time to prowl! I'm seriously wanting to give Austin another go. So unless any last-minute benefaction comes my way, I'll probably be out of here in 6 weeks to 2 months.


As excited as I am about that prospect, it definitely feels mighty weird. I'm still wrapping my head around all this....

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It is a big change to experience, no matter how many times it happens. Your whole life gets turned upside down. Sounds like you have a pretty broad outlook; no doubt you will do fine. If you want to bend any ears, I'm sure the North Side Critical Mass riders will provide all the sympathy you want! And the Full Moon Fiasco is tomorrow night . . .

Let me know if I can help you connect with any people or companies in Austin. It's a great city with a fantastic music scene (as you know).
Oh, man, that sucks. 'cept I know you've been jonesin' to get out of here all winter. Good luck in the life search! :-)
Sorry to hear that Jason. Have too many friends that are either nervous about their current job status or have actually been let go. My wife has been on edge for quite a while and we are still keeping our fingers crossed.
As for Austin Texas, I have some family members right outside of Austin and they love it down there. I've actually ridden around and it's a pretty cool city.
Good luck with all your decisions.
whoa, crazy news. definitely one of those blessing in disguise if you keep the right attitude.

you should keep posting here, though, you are one of the best of the 'linkers!
Wow Jason, sorry to hear about the job. But like they say it might be a blessing in disguise. Now you can give it a go in Austin.
What ever you decide to do, goo luck my friend.
Hoe to see you tomorrow during the Full Moon ride if not then maybe on Friday, we'll have a couple of beers.
I'm sorry to hear it, Jason.

Hmm - I see you starting a ChainlinkAustin.....

but if you decide to stay in the N.S., we could start a pedicab service with my Kaplan chaise-lounge trailer if you like.
Everybody is just walking around on eggshells these days. Sorry to hear about this. Best of luck. Stay Positive!
Sorry to hear it. Getting cut loose can shake things up a bit. At least they treated you decently $-wise. Good luck in your search. I hope you get something good.
Thanks for all the well-wishes, folks! I totally appreciate it. And I'll be seeing y'all at the NSCM tomorrow night!

P.S. What truly blows about my situation right now is that I STILL have to show up to work (until March 31), but have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO. ;-) One can only prowl the interweb for so long!
Hmm, can I somehow outsource my web surfing to you? Maybe we could all send you requests for things to "research" for us.

justJason said:
Thanks for all the well-wishes, folks! I totally appreciate it. And I'll be seeing y'all at the NSCM tomorrow night!

P.S. What truly blows about my situation right now is that I STILL have to show up to work (until March 31), but have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO. ;-) One can only prowl the interweb for so long!
WTF? on the P.S.

Really? You still have to show up with no work to do? That's beyond weird.

As for passing time at "work", I enjoy crazyguyonabike journals on slow days.

justJason said:
Thanks for all the well-wishes, folks! I totally appreciate it. And I'll be seeing y'all at the NSCM tomorrow night!
P.S. What truly blows about my situation right now is that I STILL have to show up to work (until March 31), but have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO. ;-) One can only prowl the interweb for so long!


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