Super windy (24 mph), nasty cold morning and so I wore my non-bikewear fleece cap which felt awful under my helmet and produced an embarrassing hair mess. I bundled up today but it felt all wrong. My new coat didn't give me enough flex in my arms, jeans are always a bad choice, and the wind made it all feel awkward and awful. But I made it in and learned enough that tomorrow I will be dressing in normal clothing that rides better and is more comfortable.
Yes, I have the worst hat head sitting here while I type this. :-( Definitely a bad hair day.
Proudly strut that flattened mane for it announces to the world that you are one tough [INSERT TERM HERE]
hahaha. :-) My hair is not much better today but I have it tied back to hide the hatness of it all.
It suddenly got so cold here too but we are forecast to get a 68 degree (no rain!) day this weekend so I am embarrassed to complain of the cold.
I feel like I could really use a pair of leg warmers. This morning was BRRRRRR!!!! I love riding in a dress and flannel tights but this morning was a chilly one. I think the hardest part of this time of year is the dark though. I can't wait until the days start getting longer again.
I logged in today to ask if anyone has tips for not having gross hair after riding in a balaclava!
I ride with a cap or fleece hat and it can make a mess of things. I have really long hair (probably too long) so I tend to tie it up a lot or braid it. I noticed that minimizes the mess that is my hairdo when I get to work. I brush it out when I get to work and have hair products in my office.
I just keep a bunch of dress clothes at work and change when I get to work. As far as hair, I rock my messy helmet hair often enough that I think I've gotten everyone to temper their expectations.
I think it's a reasonable accommodation for people to not expect cyclists to show up to work all pristine. It's a fair trade for how much we're saving everyone else on health care costs and traffic/parking glut.
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