Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Does anyone have advice on goggles? It seems I have to choose between covering my face and mouth without goggles or having goggles but not covering my face because they fog up so quickly. 

The lake front path has been pretty quiet these past few days which is nice. But it sets me up for a lot of frustration come April when riding on the path is like playing a video game....swerving to avoid many obstacles!

Last year I bought some Smith snow goggles from Sierra Trading Post. What I bought was a closeout, which is typical for Sierra, but you get good prices from them.  This link is to a different model, but they are similar in design:

They are vented, and although they have fogged up when I have the scarf all of the way up to the bottom of the goggles, they clear easily by just pulling the scarf down a teeny bit.  I am perfectly happy riding in the bitter cold with my goggles and a scarf covering the tip of my nose down to my neck.  And for the bitter cold I like my Bern helmet with winter kit, too.

my problem with snow goggles is that I feel like my peripheral vision get impaired when use them. They stick so far out of my face that I have a hard time seeing to my sides.  I'm pretty sure I didn't buy cheap ones but I know I didn't buy top-of-the-line ones either, are there better options?

Jeff B., if we do merge 'em, let's call the new thread "Zakalyatsya!"

And Teresa, I think I remember some good goggle talk in previous winters in the Bike Winter group. Can't link cuz I haven't figured it out yet on mobile.
Jockey goggles work well - they are light weight, provide good peripheral fields of vision, don't fog up and are affordable. I particularly like Kroops brand. For me it's all about eye protection from the wind.
Too bad I can't edit after hitting reply anymore -

Just checked their website and they now carry a form vented goggle which is much pricier. I just use the original racing goggle. For less than $15 you can't go wrong. I also appreciate that you can get in tinted or clear.

Those Kroops goggles look like a great option and much cheaper than ski goggles.  Thanks for the heads up!

This is an old discussion so maybe no longer valid, but there is a discussion of Kroops goggles there:
Louie Louie said:

Those Kroops goggles look like a great option and much cheaper than ski goggles.  Thanks for the heads up!

I've been doing OK with "nekked" eyeballs. ;-)

The eyes water for the first 5 minutes or so, then settle down. I should disclose that I wear glasses anyway, but they don't cover like goggles. Still... manageable.


No problems with the Kroops for me. This is at least the second year I've used them and I ride more than a little bit pretty much every day.

I got these vented-with-small-holes safety goggles for $2.99 last night at my local hardware store and wore them on this morning's commute. Other than looking like a chemistry nerd, they worked OK. No more tears. Minor fogging when I stopped for lights or taking photos, but that went away while riding or quicker by lifting them outward for a few seconds when riding. I will add some anti-fog fluid to them tonight and give another test ride in tomorrow's snow.

Displaying photo.jpg

Disclaimer: By god I mean a regular person and by insects I mean other 9-5 office workers but those that commute by car :)

(Also, I think it was a little above 10 degrees this morning (12/16/13) but I memed this up last week when it was around 2 degrees on a morning commute.)


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