Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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I didn't find it terribly slippery, mostly just slushy. But yes, a bit slippery. Occasional bits of har-slushpack hidden under snow or liquid slush meant it was occasionally squirrelly, but mostly it was just wet and messy. Even long fenders and a mud flap won't keep my lower legs clean in this kind of stuff. It was a relatvely low-stress ride doing errands and going home.

Yes, it appears that temperatures will stay above freezing through the night.  The side streets near my house are an absolute mess, but maybe will be clear enough to get to Milwaukee in the morning!

I rode 2 miles to Union Station around 4:30. The streets were plowed reasonably well, but there was a lot of packed-down snow about an inch thick which made for a bumpy ride. The studded 20" tires held on pretty well, but would be "re-routed" every so often, so a light grip on the bars was necessary.

The bike lane on Jackson ("buffered", not "protected") was not plowed. This made it necessary for me to ride in the traffic portion of the street. I predicted this would be a problem on the protected lanes, but it was a real disappointment to see it on a bike lane that is basically part of the road (ie, no barrier).

Hoping the streets are reasonably clear in the morning.


Well, it was a bit slushy on the way home today (after 5pm). And had some ice/slush freeze up on my derailleur, so I ended up not having a few gears for about 2 miles or so, until I got frustrated and stopped to knock off the crap. After that, I had 2 of the most used gears for my Beast.

Some drivers were trying to be slick about hitting puddles as they passed me. I had the last laugh. I was in all water-proof outer garments ! LMAO ! I was grinning almost all the way home ! People must have thought that I was a crazy man. LOL ! Too bad, so sad. I was having a great ride. Didn't hit any icy areas (Thank God !) and rode through all of the wonderful slush. (beats having to walk my bike to Archer Ave. the other day due to the soft snow that bogged me down and stopped me pun intended...before I could get on my Beast)

However, The Beast and I LOVE this cold weather ! What an awesome team we make. I feel alive in this weather with The Beast under my feet and rear. She knows where to go, and how hard I need to push.

That looks like it is across from Union Station, right at the river and Adams St. (120 South Riverside Plaza). Looks like 200 South Wacker is in the background. How close am I ?
h' 1.0 said:

On channel 5 news a minute ago:

As if we need more people thinking we are crazy. :-)

Jennifer on the lake said:

Is that a random viewer photo or were they doing a segment on crazy@$$ winter cyclists?

Also, I'm still riding! I'm crazy and I don't care.

Still riding here, too. Not a much(or mush) as usual. Unbelieveably sloppy but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Well, just a few days short of my annual "routine" switch to studded tires, I was claimed by "black ice" last night. Luckily, I was going about 2 MPH and was not hurt, though I did smash my rear-view mirror. I went home and got the Marathon Winters mounted on the spare wheels, but still have to get them on the bike. Meanwhile, the roads are marginally better. Here we go!


I don't have special bike tires but this does remind me I need to put snow tires on the car before I have to use it again.

When I tried to take the lane near Dearborn and Chicago, a jerk in a BMW honked at me and wouldn't let me in. There was plenty of space for me until he zoomed forward and closed the gap between his car and the car ahead of him that I was attempting to occupy. I was already halfway in the lane when he did this.

Jeff Schneider said:

Cold never stops me.  Ice stops me completely.  I don't fear falling down - but I fear falling down under a vehicle...  Which reminds me, when I was watching the hearty bikers riding on the ice last night, I noticed that drivers didn't seem to give them any consideration at all.  The drivers did the usual thing, pushing them to the right and tailgating.  *Sigh*

Riding home on Halsted last night was really treacherous. The bike lane was covered with ice but it was fine to the left of the lane because of the heat coming off cars. While most drivers were cool and gave me space there were a few jerks who just had to get to the red light ASAP and either passed close or honked their horns. Thankfully the Halsted bus driver was a bit more considerate and didn't tailgate me. 

When I got to my side street it was a sheet of ice! I made it down my block super slow and only fell when I turned into my building at a slow walking speed. Doh!  

Jeff Schneider said:

Cold never stops me.  Ice stops me completely.  I don't fear falling down - but I fear falling down under a vehicle...  Which reminds me, when I was watching the hearty bikers riding on the ice last night, I noticed that drivers didn't seem to give them any consideration at all.  The drivers did the usual thing, pushing them to the right and tailgating.  *Sigh*

I'm relieved to hear that I wasn't the only one who took a spill last night. I too made it within a mile of my place when I was claimed by the slick street. I re-mounted, noticing that my traction was still iffy, so I thought better of it and decided to walk the last mile. Yikes!


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