Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Here's another vote for studded tires. I've been cycle-commuting for over 10 years ("Multi-Modal"... folding bike and METRA), and haven't fallen a single time since I started using studs about 6 winters ago. I have Schwalbe "Marathon Winter" tires on my folder and (for recreational rides) Nokian "Extreme 294" tires on my mountain bike. These tires are not inexpensive, but what is the insurance co-pay on a broken hip? ;-)

So fat this winter, the studs have not been particularly helpful. I put them on in early December and usually switch to regular tires in mid-March. On try pavement they are somewhat noisy, and they use a bit more energy to push. When there's snow or ice (!) on the streets, you have better traction than the cars.

When it has been cold enough long enough to ensure adequate ice thickness, riding on a frozen lake is a fantastic experience.


We got ours at our local LBS Boulevard Bikes on kedzie but they did need to order them in the proper size for our cargo bike.

Lots of places to get them online.  Not a bad way to go, since most shops would have to special-order.


I got my Schwalbe tires from Thor USA and the Nokians from Peter White Cycles.

Don't know how common they are in Chicago, but I've only heard a couple people with them in the last few years. I say "heard" because they sound like bacon sizzling on the street unless there's snow to muffle them. ;-)


Chi Lowe 20.0 - 30.0 mi said:

Having already taken a hard fall, I have to ask: where did you you buy your Marathons?  Does anyone know if they are rare or common at Chicago-based LBS'?

Heh... of course, I meant "so FAR this winter".  ;-)


Steve Weeks, DDS said:

So fat this winter, the studs have not been particularly helpful.

Crap, I took a spill walking my bike down the steps this morning. I did still ride to work though.

The only days I chicken out are when it gets so slippery that cars are fishtailing -- pretty hard to avoid those guys.

My bicycle hates water.

Strange weather--here in Wicker Park there was ice on the cars but none on the sidewalks or streets.  Glad I stayed in the neighborhood!

Many of the cars on our street had a think layer of ice on them this morning.  The street looked ok.  I didn't kill myself walking out the door to get the newspaper.  So, we took a short (about 7 miles round trip) ride to breakfast with the newspapers packed in the panniers.  It was not slippery at all. My greatest fear was later when I rode to the store and saw a lady engaged in a conversation.  She  make a left turn on to a large suburban street with little more than a glance at what was around.  I just sat back and watched in amazement as she annoyed the other drivers when she entered the thoroughfare. 

Troops were a little thin this morning!  Dearborn bridge was still icy, but, thanks to reports, I knew it.  Did not walk, but road veerrryyy slowly.

It's officially time to break out the crazy Artic Gloves I got last year.  My long sleeve gloves + smart wool liners didn't cut it this morning!


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