If you haven't seen the article: http://bikeportland.org/2010/06/20/an-estimated-13000-take-part-in-... 

Portland stomped us in turnout for the Naked Ride.

I saw the posting earlier and have been racking my brain as to why Chicagoans, many on this very site, wouldn't attend an event like World Naked Bike Ride-Chicago.

This is an event that stands for several important causes from less cars and less oil to positive body image and safety for cyclists (shows how naked we are on that bike.).

It's also a ride that you can attend or help out with in various manners and different level of dress (or undress) something we call "Bare as you Dare".

Portland is about 1/5th the size of Chicago, not counting Chicagoland and they had about 6x the turnout as we did.

Gotta tell ya Chicago, that's PATHETIC!

So why didn't you come to Naked Ride? There are more of you that didn't than did so why didn't you feel this was important? Was it religion? Poor body image? Weather? Or is it just not important to you?

I'd really like to hear good reasons to not attend.

I have a strong feeling this will just end up falling off the board cause people hate facing there own weakness but maybe getting called out will get you off your duff for next year!

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So, Mrs. Kennedy.....other than that, did you enjoy your trip to Dallas?

Gabe said:
For Jenn whose family is gonna die, would you have come if you weren't outta town?
Howie, If peeps have productive things to post I'd love to read 'em ;-)
Gabe, you are clearly a passionate and steadfast biker. However, maybe it is time to step down from the soap box and try a new approach? Just saying.
The ride should be in July, or August. Chicago has seperated from worldwide dates on other events. This may be one to think about, if we are going to debate attendance.
At the other end of the spectrum, I heard that Toronto had about 100 riders on their WNBR. Draw your own conclusions.
Folks in Canada are already quite liberal and do not feel a need to brag about it so much is my guess. I did not check the weather conditions for that day either ...

Anne Alt said:
At the other end of the spectrum, I heard that Toronto had about 100 riders on their WNBR. Draw your own conclusions.
Or at least a week later so our wobbly bits won't be all shivered up from the chill.

Martin Hazard said:
The ride should be in July, or August. Chicago has seperated from worldwide dates on other events. This may be one to think about, if we are going to debate attendance.
H3N3 said:
Do I detect an air of finality to the preceding post?

I sure hope so! I can't recall a thread here whose instigator has been so profoundly and adamantly insulting to the Chicago biking community. I for example, spent about ten hours that day at Working Bikes fixing up bikes for the Local Donations program which provides super low cost bikes ($20 for a bike, a lock and a helmet) to refugees and people living in homeless shelters and other people in dire straits.

We are all doing what we can to the best of our ability most of the time. Given how much is going on here in Chicago, to expect any of us to show up at any particular event is completely unrealistic. Furthermore, being a full time activist can potentially lead to some serious burn-out.

I am reminded of this quote from Tooker Gomberg who was a huge bikey advocate in Canada and Ben's brother:
Take care of ourselves and each other, spend time with loved ones, take breaks when necessary, and enjoy each moment on this lovely green and blue planet.
im sorry...but did Gabe ever say "you need to drop whatever you were doing, neglect any commitment you had, to be on this ride?

Hey Gabe / All, wanted to thank for some of the input. New to me was the note on glass; Marne, love the slogan. Newcomers, do see this thread's first page for my detailed note on the subject of turnout.

I've learned here that my speculation on weather may not be the very top reason. As Gabe began, religion and "poor body image" are also principals. Other reasons appearing are other commitments, disinterest, and other.

Some who would never come mentioned reasons such as challenging the bike advocacy effectiveness, and rider's reasons. These are big topic which we WNBR-C crew consider at great length, too much to jot here. Bottom line, I think we're significantly more on message than most WNBR cities. We can legitimately claim to have been one of the biggest BP protests to date. Further, I firmly believe from many stories that the smiles we give the crowd make waves and echoes influencing thousands to reconsider biking, sometimes years later.

It's the maybe's who could've upped the number. And in that I agree with at least a finger wag. The stakes are too high to wimp out.
We expected to break 2000 this year. Maybe could have with better rain advice, and urgings of importance, and reassurances to newbies.

I'll fault myself. We did a TON of publicity, but could've done better. The hours required are overwhelming, but the help gets better every year. How about we commit to at least 2011 in 2011?
I'd like to say that the overall orginization for WNBR-C (website, links, overall orginization) is better than any other city's. The fact that there is a website devoted specifically to WNPR-C is a testament to this. I tried (allbeit not that hard) to find the official portland site and couldn't. I couldn't be bothered to do more than google it. Go a head and google WNBR Chicago. The first thing that pops up is our official site. I think that we are blessed having the best orginizers for our ride even if our turn out wasn't as great as some would have liked.
I'm naked right now


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