Hi Chainlinkers-

In spirit of Bike Week, I am attempting to put together a bank of information for employees/families at the Children's Hospital I work at that includes trails/parks/events for bicycling with children. I included the city/near-city trails (Edgebrook/BunkerHill, NorthShore Channel, Major Taylor, Cal Sag, upcoming Big Marsh) and some events (Kidical Mass, etc.), but my bicycling-with-children knowledge and experience ends there.

Do any of you have suggestions on fun, safe places to bike with children?? Or any tips that you have found helpful?



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Years ago I led a few kids rides for the Evanston Bike Club. We would ride the Green Bay Trail.  You can start near the Panera Bread where  EBC starts their rides.  Be careful crossing Lake. There is no light.  I can help you map out the first mile or so. Once you pass the Sears School  it is uninterrupted all the way to Harbor  in Glencoe. If you ride to Harbor and back and it is about 10 miles. On the return near the Kennilworth Metra station we would get on to Green Bay Road for just a few blocks and take the kids to Homers Ice Cream.

I like Busse woods near Higgins and Arlington Heights Road. It's closed off from traffic, slow and safe.

You need to pose this question to the Chicago Family Biking Facebook page.  You'll get responses for days.

This is one of the top posts in Chainlink's weekly email that will be going out shortly. There should be more great answers that will be coming in today. 

Even still, if you're on facebook, that's a great resource and you should use it.  People will brainstorm.

Personally, we are always starting out from home, which gives us easy access to the Lakefront trail.  From there we like to go to Maggie Daley, concerts in Millennium Park, 31st street beach (beach and fabulous playground), museum campus, and to watch the fireworks at Navy Pier.

Check out the youth cycling program at the Northbrook Velodrome.  Wednesday night training, Friday night racing, with races for each age group (including adults).  And if your kid is really captivated by the idea, they could start juniors racing (USAC licensed track racing) on Thursday nights.  More info is here


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