I've been looking for a picture of my first bike for ages and finally found it. It was a 1976 Huffy, "Star Spangler". My brother had the boy version and we rode them constantly. This bike made me so happy as a kid. #bikelove
What was your first bike?
You can see the bike to the right. That's me with my brother, we are not being very patient about mom taking our picture.
an early 50's Schwinn,bought for $3 in 1958, that I still have, frame only.
Sadly, no pictures can be found. The first bike I can remember was a Red Schwinn Sting Ray with a sissy bar. A number of kids in our neighborhood had similar bikes. We thought we were Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider when we rode down the street on those bikes. We would slam on the brakes to make big skid marks with the slick rear tire. We never understood why kids would get the Kart bikes which were five speed versions of the Sting Ray. They had a big shifter handle on the top tube that was inconveniently located to place the prospect of puberty for an 11 year old boy in great peril.
I love everything about this picture - puppies and bikes are the best!
This was my first with pneumatic tires. Of course I rode tricycles first, then a hard-rubber-tired 2-wheeler that looked like a little dirtbike. This was the one I learned to actually ride on (without training wheels). My little brother learned to ride on it too. This thing is incredibly still hanging in my parents' garage, along with a bunch of other bikes from my youth. I never realized it before, but when I took this pic I noticed that it has cottered cranks and a Euro bottom bracket!
Yes, the pic is upside down, the bike is actually hanging from the ceiling :)
Dad bought me an Austrian-made J. C. Higgins 20" boy's bike.
In 1947 on my 10th birthday, my dad built or maybe rebuilt the attached bike for me. The logo on the front tube read "Peerless". Anyone heard of a Peerless bike??
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