Share your pics, videos, streets, stories of what you find in the bike lane of the non-bike variety that has an impact on your ride and/or your safety. I've decided to keep it a little more open ended - cars, snow, buses, garbage, cabs, etc. If they shouldn't be in the bike lane, go ahead and add it to this thread. Please be safe if you are taking pics or video! :-) 

My hope is that we can collectively build some evidence of what we see when riding in the city with the overall hope of better enforcement of "bikes only" and improving maintenance. 

Update: More Hashtags to Capture Vehicles in the Bike Lane

With popular hashtags:

#LaneSpreading (Chicago Bike Selling)

#ClearTheWay (ActiveTrans), there are many options to capture violations.

We think you should use ALL of them AND post your photos on The Chainlink. ;-)

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Two vans from the department of corrections and one van from the CTA - work crew cleaning under the Pink Line tracks where it crosses Roosevelt.

Eastbound Lawrence just before Elston on Saturday, 2/27

Wow. And with a big parking space just right there. Grrrr.

Haven't posted photos in a while, but the last two days have been bad. Probably because of the great weather.

Here are some photos:

Black car dropping off a passenger in the Kinzie bike lane

Dude just waiting for his pal. He moved it as soon as I started taking the photo, and his pal had to run him down. Milwaukee.

Uber or Lyft driver picking someone up. They shouted at me for taking a photo of their car. Also, they cutoff about 10 bikes to park there. Milwaukee Ave


The driver to the right did move her van when I call 311 to report it parked illegally. She said she thought it was a spot. In her defense, there is another car parked correctly next to her. But, the lanes could be better marked.  Desplaines.

Harrison. Dude sitting in the car. Doing nothing.

And my favorite of the day. Harrison right next to State. TWO CTA vans and then down the street a Yukon. All parked in the bike lane. All of them next to PUBLIC PARKING. I mean come on. It's right there.  When I called 311, they only were interested in the Yukon. She only wanted the Yukon's plate numbers. I had to insist they take the CTA's information.

Oh, and they are on the sidewalk. I didn't even notice that until looking at the photo.

Other than that, some pretty good rides.

You can also file a complaint for car service vehicles using the same form as for cabs:

My contribution to the thread, this morning in Dearborn bike lane: 

Washington PBL is still a mess and probably will remain that way.


Just from Wacker to LaSalle this morning, it contained:

- a car that was parked so as to block the origin of the lane

- a car stopped across the lane after pulling out of a parking garage

- a person walking down the middle of the lane on a cell phone

- a person in a construction vest stepping backwards off the curb

without looking

Portland's version of "What's this doing in the bike lane?" involved a pickup truck and a bridge (under construction).

2 different car washes on Elston, South bound and North bound using a long stretch of bike lane for parking. Unsafe!

There are many car wash conflicts along Elston. There are at least two on the far northwest end of Elston that cause this same issue.

Those car washes make me crazy!!!! The only solution I can think of is to remove some of the parking so vehicles can queue up alongside the curb, as they started doing at the car wash on Milwaukee between Grand and Hubbard (I think). 

They do that at one of them, but to make the turn into the car wash, people have to pull into the bike lane.

It is a good thing that it mostly occurs on the weekends when all those slob cagers are less stressed out with no urgency to get to their jobholes and most of em let you ride in THEIR street to pass up the que of sheeple.


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