Looks like the bike path goes under the car traffic heading to the beach. Big separation between bike and beach too.
Full Details at Chicago Tribune:
It looks like the bike path goes under another bike/ped facility. There doesn't appear to be any motor vehicle access to the lake.
Why have motor vehicle access when there is no parking? But what about EMS vehicle access to the beach area? Other vehicle access to the beach house/restroom/vendors. Needs more work.
Are there issues with the way EMS and vendor access works now? EMS could get to the beach from north or south as they do now. They could also come across the bridge from the west.
I like the fact that ped/bike access is via bridge and not tunnel. I also appreciate the path being a little further from the beach and the waterline - reduces conflicts and eliminates the problem of waves crashing over the path and washing it out in bad storms.
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