What do normal folks think about the new protected bike lanes on 55th Street?

Sure, as a transportation geek I dig the new protected bike lanes on 55th Street in Hyde Park, but how do locals feel about them? I spent the evening rush hour buttonholing people on bikes, on foot, in shops, restaurants and taverns to find out. Spoiler alert: not everyone is a fan.


Keep moving forward,
John Greenfield

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As biker and motorist both, it's really strange, like driving on the left in Britain where I do not trust my reflexes. As a motorist, the parked cars intrude at curves and we've given up two lanes for one. As a cyclist I still have to watch for right-turners from behind. Biking or cycling, I take 56th going east and 58th (or 59th) west. 

I haven't had an opportunity to check it out yet, but I hope to get there before winter sets in.

Bruce, do you feel the lanes have had a positive impact on speeding? A negative impact on congestion?

I don't quite follow your concerns on a bike. You're worried about cars overtaking you and then turning right in front of you?


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