What are the top bike shops in the city and suburbs for trueing a wheel?

What are the top bike shops in the city and suburbs for trueing a wheel?

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...might be better to ask what shops to stay away from. Depending on the state of the wheel, most do a good job.

Well... then care to list the worst? :)

I do my own work. Sometimes I suck and other times I'm awesome :)

Lots of great places around the city. I'll start by throwing a few out there (not a complete list so please add more)... 

Johnny Sprockets

BFF Bikes

Bikes N' Roses



Pony Shop (Evanston

Rapid Transit

Roscoe Village bikes did a great job of trueing my bike wheel after an accident.  

Great work at my LBS, Get-a-Grip on Irving Park and Kostner.

Boulevard Bikes

The shop in my basement has been doing a pretty great job lately. I encourage everyone to support their local bike shops, but learning how to true your own wheels can be very satisfying - and sometimes gets the job done more efficiently and for less cost. (Spoke wrenches and a truing stand will pay for themselves after you've saved yourself a couple of trips to the LBS.)

Once you are comfortable with truing you can consider building your own wheels, which can be a ton of fun and is extremely satisfying once you get it right. Also it looks super cool to have images like this of your shop you can use for bragging, uh, I mean instructional purposes:

the way I look at it: I true my own wheel. If I can do it, then it is no rocket science, and thus any halfway decent bike shop should be able to so it for you. So asking who does the best job in Chicagoland is a little overly broad.

Where do you live? Once we know that, people can give you more specific recommendations.


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