So this jive has been sticking around for a week now. It began with nasty coughing in the wee AM hours last Monday; it progressed into full-on head/chest congestion (leaving me with NO sense of taste and forcing me to bail on any weekend riding...BOOO!); now the coughing has pretty much subsided (with the exception of an occasional lung-rocket), but everything on me feels so sore! Almost like a low-grade flu. And there's still quite a bit of phlegm in my head that I can hear shift around...kinda like the way it feels after you go swimming.

So WTF? Anyone else grappling with BS like this? I can't recall the last time a "Cold" lingered this long, coupled with such wide swings in symptoms. And to add insult to injury, it's making biking absolutely NO FUN at the moment.

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Yeah, I was down for a couple of days last week with something similar myself. I even had chills and nausea. Fortunately I was able to shake it off and now I just get a little cough every now and then. Good thing I didn't have to miss work, I only like playing hooky when there's something fun to do, not lay around the house sick.
I am on week 4 of the same crud....
Had similar symptoms about a month ago. Went to see a doctor. Doctor said its bronchitis. Gave me antibiotics and a fancy inhaler. Congestion and phlegm went away soon after, but felt weak for about another few days. From start to finish, mine lasted around two and a half weeks.

At its worst, I coughed up some blood. Only small amounts but was enough for me to get a doctor's appointment.

Sounds like you're on the upswing of things though, which is great news. Take care!
Thanks guys. I was just so bummed that I listened to reason and didn't ride at all this weekend. But the 3 mile ride to/from work today was excruciating. So I may just work from home tomorrow, take another day off the saddle (grr...) and see if I can't whip this Devil's ass in record time. :-)
There's been a lot of nasty crud going around. My version, and the one I've encountered a bunch of places, is this: get slight tickle in throat, within 2 days it turns into deep-in-the-chest hack-your-lungs-out cough, lingers for 2-3 weeks and gradually peters out. Bleaaggghhh!!!!! It's been a bad winter and spring for evil, lingering bugs.
Unsolicited advice - my specialty!
Jason, put olive oil on toast, then crush RAW garlic on top - as much as you can stand to kill the buggers.

And, after your job stress, your immunity probly took a hit.

By winter's end, alot of us are low in Vit D (just found out after some blood work done by a Naturopathic Dr), and magnesium - both fight inflamation and clear lungs.

Call in sick and take it easy - feel better!
We had abt. 3 weeks of it: cold/pink-eye/croup/bronchitis/tonsillitis.

The tonsillitis was speculation, because after 2 weeks of low-grade sore throat, my wife finally went to the doctor, which caused it to clear up the day before.


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