hi! my name is jill nerkowski. Ive just invented a weatherproof canopy, and am trying to sell design plans to build your own on your own bike at your own home. please see my website at jillnerkowski.weebly.com
I just joined chain link and love it because the weather matches what I tried to cover and ride in here. its a tuff life riding in the snow and rain. I dreamed for years of a greenhouse surrounding me while I rode ,and finally this year after building a frame for a motorcycle like windshield with a canopy.
I see alot of posts other websites of rainriding, and suggestion for things like plastic bags and elastics for the feet, and and expensive rain gear, and wool sweaters, and these are all good and fine, but wont somone please try my rain canopy?
a good incentive, when I tested it with ordianary plastic dotn nkwo how vinly comapres, the inside canopy reaches temperatures from 4 to 15 degrees warmer temperatures than the outside of the canopy, and even can be 4.
I would like to hear peoples opinions and comments about this rain canopy of mine, and another incentive, to anyone who mentions theyre from chain link, I will reduce the price to 10.00 for each design plan ordered, plus shipping.

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I see a couple other significant problems with this design. First by using the handlebars as support points for the canopy you increase the potential for wind induced steering input. Second, if you don't have an indoor parking garage you are still likely to get wet while securing your vehicle.

Fortunately, there already is another invention which brilliantly solves both of these shortcomings. The icing on the cake is that it affords better protection not just from weather but from abrupt climate change as well. And last but not least it doesn't interfere with your vision and it vastly improves your visibility to others.

Perhaps the only downside with this technological wonder is that building one from a napkin drawing is going to be more challenging.

El Gecko said:
No, it pretty much sums up why this is a bad idea: low visibility=dangerous riding conditions=confused motorists=possibly worse attitudes toward cyclists. Not to mention the potential for a sail effect here in the windy city.
so glad i just got a heads up out of this.
will NOT miss.

GabeW (not the other Gabe) said:
If anyone is seriously interested in some cool domes, there's a buckminster fuller show coming to the MCA next month. I won't miss it.

And they said it was impossible!

How many of you naysayers have taken the advice of total strangers in pursuit of your dreams?

Wipe the egg off your face, suckaz.

h3 said:
Here's the embedded video, for anyone who didn't cut & paste:

you didn't respond before, so i'll paste it again..

"it's attitudes like yours, h3, that I see as dangerous, because there are many immediately obvious problems going on here, without much explanation for the fact that it turns the bike into a wind sail. how can you stick up for such behavior?"
sorry h3, wrong answer.
Jill, Respectfully, I think than anyone crafty and ambitious enough to build this sort of thing themselves will not want plans. They will simply make it.

That's what I would do if so inclined.

jillnerkowski said:
the preceding inventions were patented except for two I found, one in an online news source from the netherlands ,and one for sale. mostly they are from china ,germany and the netherlands where they have 20 percent of the traffic on roads are bicycles. to see a cool very serious website of a bicycle movement see any velorution site or .com
ps didnt anyone want to buy a plan yet? if you do skip the buy now button to get a reduced rate for all your excellent advice , and send a money order instead. Someone has to be brave enough to try it. Ed's still alive.
i think helmets are stupid and shouldnt be worn. EVER!
This is the most entertaining thread I've read in awhile. Sorry I didn't check it out sooner. I think I need to add it to the Junkumbent!

Alex, you of all people should know better!

The proper way to deal with rain on a junkumbent is a garbage bag poncho. I'll sell you plans for only $15. Realize that is only $5 per hole you'll have to cut to create your very own gbp. I'll sell you plans for the single hole model for only $7.50.

Bikefreeek said:
This is the most entertaining thread I've read in awhile. Sorry I didn't check it out sooner. I think I need to add it to the Junkumbent!

Todd Allen said:
Alex, you of all people should know better!

The proper way to deal with rain on a junkumbent is a garbage bag poncho. I'll sell you plans for only $15. Realize that is only $5 per hole you'll have to cut to create your very own gbp. I'll sell you plans for the single hole model for only $7.50.

Cool, do you take paypal?
lol, that junkumbent is ace


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