The description of the crash is kinda vague, but it sounds like somebody suddenly stopped in front of him, and he went over the handlebars and hit his head. RIP
I know a few people who have the same challenge in finding helmets big enough. Not a lot of options out there, but they do exist.
the Tribune article yesterday quoted the woman who hit him as "not having seen him."
i'm so tired of seeing people say that and having it accepted as a reason to hit someone on a bike.
As an excuse, it's the modern day "i was drunk!" and i hope it becomes just as unacceptable.
so says the one witness, who was in a car behind the car that the bike just came out of nowhere and the bike ran right into the side of.
if the driver really had no idea there was a bike in or approaching the intersection, she didn't actually look or was distracted by something.
When you hit the side of a vehicle at a four-way stop, and do so hard enough to cause a traumatic head injury, it is pretty tough to argue that the cyclist did not run the stop sign.
Was wondering about the circumstances. Articles were very vague, but Tribune says he ran a stop at a 4 stop intersection and ran into the Jeep. He's not around to tell his side, but it says he stuck the side of the Jeep.
Still, so sad for his family. Condolences.
From the location given in the Trib article, this is the crash location.,-87.7118533,3a,75y,90h,90t/...!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7MgEyjD_7j1O_ZLIjkZSMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
My sympathy to the family and friends of Danny Carbol.
The Trib article says that the victim was unconscious when officers arrived, but they wrote him a ticket anyway. Then, they tried to deliver the ticket to him at the hospital, where he was still unconscious. Finally, they mailed the ticket to his house for his grieving family to open.
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